Farmers, miners, foundrymen, builders.
Space pirates too ? We are at the very END of the Fiat Federal Reserve Note (a debt instrument) aka the 'dollar' system. As this crashes further this year and next, the economy will shrink back to favor those people who actually produce goods, those people who are ‘makers’. These makers are the core of any economic system. Ultimately ALL economic systems come back to the farmers, and ‘excess calories’ which is what provides the civilization, the ‘carry power’ to go another year without collapse. Side note: thus the huge amount of energy put into trying to collapse our food system by the Elohim worship cult. Ultimately, all power goes back to excess calories. If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure. Once the civilization gets a few years calories stashed away, it can afford to allow power to spread out among the social order. This is a natural way in which societies evolve over time. You can’t have celebrated artists until you have a secure food supply civilization wide. As the civilization changes, those who produce the carry value for the social order have a tendency to drift lower in the power hierarchy as the perceived need fades from the forefront of our collective thinking. We get distracted by all the glittery bits once we know our bellies will be full next week, and likely the week after that. Thus it is that producers and makers fade into the background of the social order as the need for Entertainment rises to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Distraction over everything. Note that part of the need for constant distraction for modern humans is that they have not been taught to live with themselves. They have no concept of a ‘personal discipline’, nor ‘responsibility for personal mind control’. One of the expressions of ingenuity that rises that feeds this trend is that of fiat currency. Note it is not ‘money’, but is a ‘currency’, which is a ‘legally defined security against money’. More on that in later missives. Fiat currencies allow for bribery, murder, blackmail, and all of the various forms of corruption. They also allow for corrupted power structures to rise on the backs of the makers, and producers that create the base of the society. We are now in the End Days of this most recent, global, fiat currency. The death of this currency is inevitable, and inescapable. As great social changes take place, such as war, and the collapse of fiat currency supported corruption structures, there are predictable trends in the shifts that emerge. One of these is the return to social power of the ‘maker/doer’ class within the society. It was such a fiat collapse of the pre-war Japanese Yen currency that produced the Farmer’s movement, as well as the reallocation of Land (a major social order change) within the country. Power returned to the Makers/Doers, and left the Political class. It is my premise here that, within the collapse of the FRN/Dollar, will emerge a great cleansing of the social order here in USA, as well as a re-balancing of the political power, with much of that power returning to the Makers/Doers of our society. Note that the death of the FRN/Dollar will drive USA people to be frugal beyond your ability to grasp now. We will NOT be able to tolerate stupid shit decisions on WHAT to build with our resources. So we will piss and moan and really argue about all major industrial initiatives going forward. We’ve been too burned by LI batteries, and EV and windmills et al to go down such dumb paths again. As we get into the chaos of the death of the FRN/Dollar, there are predictable power shifts which will take place. Let’s see if you can spot one. Here are some data points. Professions Occupied Predominantly by Liberal/Left-Leaning Individuals: Social Workers Environmental Activists Artists and Designers Academics and Researchers Non-profit Organization Staff Journalists and Media Professionals Teachers and Educators Psychologists and Therapists Civil Rights Lawyers Humanitarian Aid Workers Urban Planners Public Health Officials Community Organizers Scientists (especially environmental and social sciences) Alternative Energy Industry Workers LGBTQ+ Advocates Immigration Lawyers and Advocates Feminist Activists Public Policy Analysts Grassroots Campaign Staff Professions Occupied Predominantly by Conservative/Right-Leaning Individuals: Military Personnel Law Enforcement Officers Farmers and Agricultural Workers CEOs and Business Executives Engineers and Technologists Gun Rights Advocates Religious Leaders and Clergy Construction Workers Small Business Owners Financial Traders and Investors Oil and Gas Industry Workers Private Security Professionals Sports Coaches and Athletes Real Estate Developers Corporate Lawyers NRA Advocates Evangelical Pastors Tax Policy Analysts (favoring lower taxes) Conservative Think Tank Researchers Conservative Media Commentators Other predictable changes will emerge due to the shift of our social order from one of Complications, to one that is Complex. The Complex social order we are creating now, from the ashes of the old NWO, is manifesting exactly because Universe is going to slap us upside our heads with UFOs, and other oddities. It’s part of how things work here in this Matterium. It is my premise here, that as with Japan at the end of the last great Bankster War (WW2), we in the ‘liberal’ Western republics will go through a re-organization, and rebuilding phase. One of the major rebuilding tasks will be to get a better handle on our history, both as a country, and as a species. We will have to free the captured material from the political class and get to some real understanding of our actual history. As we get into the messy, hidden, obscured, lies that we think is our past, we will inevitably get an understanding of the Elohim, those space aliens who abused so much of humanity for so long, and created the Stockholm Syndrome cults that masquerades as the religions that control so much of modern thinking. As we work our way back into known, and yet to be translated, ancient literature, we will come to understand the ‘economic’ model of the Elohim which, like ours to some extent, was built on excess calories and the ability to carry their civilization forward to the next year. Unfortunately for humans, we ARE their excess calories. The economic model practiced by the Elohim, at its core, evolved to that of locating new resources, exploiting those resources, and then moving on to locate more, new resources. The Elohim had shifted their entire social order away from being their own makers/doers, over to exploiting the makers from other species. Their economic model is based on, and consists of, space slavery. Note, there is no reason at all, to presume that the Elohim economic model is NOT multiplanetary at its core. The cool part of the current fiat currency collapse is that it will also take down the existing power structure to the extent that the vast amount of secrets, held by this structure, will be revealed. This will include so many facets of our real history, that a giant creativity bloom will emerge from these circumstances. Much of it will be powered by new energy sources long suppressed by entrenched Elohim worship cult organizations. One of the predictable changes will be the return to the power base of Farmers, and other maker/doers. It is also predictable that we will emulate at least part of the Elohim economic model by incorporating space piracy, and extra terrestrial archaeology into our resource processing as a species. Means we have to discard all the grit based fake science though. Get prepared to do a total rebuild on your understanding of physics, and humans. We are coming out of bondage! Freedom and the expanse of the Matterium await!