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This Land Is Mine
A brief history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant. Who’s Killing Who? 01. Early Man 02. Canaanite 03. Egyptian 04. Assyrian 05. Israelite 06. Babylonian 07. Macedonian/Greek 08. Greek/Macedonian 09. Ptolemaic 10. Seleucid 11. Hebrew Priest 12. Maccabee 13. Roman 14. Byzantine 15. Arab Caliph 16. Crusader 17. Mamluk of Egypt 18. Ottoman Turk 19. Arab 20. British 21. Palestinian 22. European Jew/Zionist 23. PLO/Hamas/Hezbollah 24. State of Israel 25. Guerrilla/Freedom Fighter/Terrorist 26. The Angel of Death

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