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- This man, Thomas Mayo, is NOT an indigenous Australian.
Thomas Mayo, says they will 'punish politicians that ignore our advice' — So what does that mean? Does it mean they're going to stage a communist style coup if they don’t get their way?
- How come many “architects of the voice” have ties to radical communism…Asking for a friend?
“It is a matter of public record that in the 1970s Langton was a member of the National Committee of the Communist League (CL), a Trotskyist group that campaigned for the violent overthrow of the Australian government and the implementation of a totalitarian state. It’s equally true that Langton has never disavowed her once proud Marxist views, nor has anyone in the media ever asked her to. Why the weird double standard? After all, Marcia Langton is the co-chair of the Senior Advisory Group for the proposed “Voice”. If a person now designing a change to our constitution was once a follower of an ideology even more murderous than that of the Nazis and has never distanced herself from it you’d think at the very least it would be a matter of public interest, wouldn’t you?” https://caldronpool.com/is-the-voice-to-parliament-being-designed-by-an-actual-communist/ During the 1970s, Langton was involved with the Socialist Workers Party.[20][21] “Is Marcia Langton a Marxist? Marcia Langton is a very prominent aboriginal activist and academic. So prominent, in fact, that when the Liberal Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt was creating his senior advisory group to design an “Indigenous Voice” to Government, he made Marcia Langton co-chair. “This is interesting, since Marcia started her political career as a hard-core Communist and has never disavowed her past views. She wasn’t simply a naïve young activist, either. Langton was a member of the National Committee of the Communist League (CL), a Trotskyist group that campaigned for the violent overthrow of the Australian government and the implementation of a totalitarian socialist state.” https://www.theunshackled.net/australian-politics/is-marcia-langton-still-a-marxist-why-hasnt-anyone-asked/
- Brand calling for a global government?!?
Ohhhhh dear Brand calling for a global government?!? This is NOT a good look.
- A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer
Part one of a three part series. "A Farewell to Virology" is a 29,000 word essay debunking virus theory and virology, written by Dr Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc. It has yet to be contested and the purpose of this film is to explain why. This film version walks the layperson through the paper and scientific evidence in an easy, simple and understandable way, so that they may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax of the last few centuries and certainly last three years, that fictional particles called "viruses" exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don't. Download the full "A Farewell to Virology" essay here: https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/
- SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or call
https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-15-1993-government-organizations-warned-ban-wireless-technology.html SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or called for ban on, wireless technology One of the first entities to ever speak out against wireless technology and the dangers it poses to human health was the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) back on Nov. 9, 1993. At the time, the EPA called out the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for imposing "seriously flawed" exposure standards that put public health at risk. Just one day later on Nov. 10, 1993, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered a similar official comment to the FCC in a docket pertaining to the FCC's guidelines for evaluation of electromagnetic effects of radio frequency radiation. "FCC rules do not address the issue of long-term, chronic exposure to RF fields," the FDA wrote in the docket, echoing the EPA's warnings. It turns out that there are many different federal agencies and other authoritative entities that have spoken out against wireless technology over the years, only to be ignored by those with final decision-making power. That same year in 1993, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) also called out the FCC for imposing inadequate standards "based on only one dominant mechanism – adverse health effects caused by body heating. Again and again since that time, the FCC and other similar regulatory agencies abroad have been getting bombarded with studies and other evidence showing that wireless technology is dangerous – and still nothing is being done about it. (Related: Did you know that the symptoms of 5G exposure are disturbingly similar to the symptoms associated with "COVID?") Wireless radiation damages children, birds, and really EVERYONE The Cellular Phone Task Force has been tracking this information for quite a while, showing that dozens upon dozens of expert organizations and government agencies have been sounding the alarm over the years about wireless technology dangers. Here are a few more prominent examples: • In 1994, the Amateur Radio Relay League Bio-Effects Committee warned that the FCC's standard "does not protect against non-thermal effects." • In 2000, the United Kingdom's Department of Education warned that children under the age of 16 should not use a mobile phone except in an emergency. • In 2002, the Interdisciplinary Society for Environmental Medicine, which is comprised of more than 3,000 German physicians, recommended banning all cell phone use by children, as well as all cell phones and cordless phones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, event halls, public buildings, and vehicles. • In 2003, the American Bird Conservancy and Forest Conservation Council filed a lawsuit against the FCC because its wireless policies were causing millions of migratory birds to become disoriented, resulting in many of them crashing into cell phone towers. • In 2004, the International Association of Fire Fighters protested the installation of communication antennas on top of fire stations. • In 2005, the Austrian Medical Association warned that children should not use Wi-Fi, cordless phones, or cell phones under any circumstances. • In 2007, the European Environmental Agency, Europe's top environmental watchdog, called for immediate and drastic action to reduce exposure to wireless radiation. • In 2008, the National Library of France removed all Wi-Fi routers and wireless internet from the facility due to health concerns. • Also in 2008, the Russian National Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection warned that talking on a cell phone even for a few short minutes is dangerous, especially for children, pregnant women, epileptics, and people with memory loss or sleeping disorders. • In 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service urged Congress to investigate the link between electromagnetic fields and "Bee Colony Collapse." • In 2011, the Council of Europe passed a resolution recommending that only wired internet connections be made available in schools. • In 2016, the city of Haifa, Israel, banned all Wi-Fi in schools. • In 2018, cell phones were banned in all primary and middle schools throughout France. Electromagnetic radiation is doing a real number on human health. Learn more at 5Galert.com.
- STUDY: Compound in coffee and tea can prevent liver cancer cells from spreading
https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-15-coffee-tea-compound-prevents-liver-cancer-spreading.html Plants produce a wide variety of chemicals to ensure their survival. Many of these compounds happen to be beneficial to humans because of their outstanding biological properties. For example, plants naturally produce ascorbic acid – also known as vitamin C – because it plays an important role in photosynthesis and is needed for controlling plant cell growth. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans that supports immune function and helps maintain healthy skin, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. Plants also produce flavonoids as part of their defense mechanism against environmental stressors. When consumed, these phenolic compounds act as potent antioxidants inside the human body and help protect against oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Because of these beneficial components, people derive a wealth of health benefits from eating plant-based foods. Coffee and tea contain an anticancer compound Since the late 1990s, researchers have been studying the anticancer benefits of different plant-based foods, specifically fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. They found that cruciferous vegetables, in particular, are a rich source of sulfur-containing chemicals that are transformed by the human body into cancer-fighting agents. Clinical studies have shown that a high intake of these compounds can reduce the risk of different types of cancer. Cruciferous vegetables are not the only cancer-fighting foods in the human diet. Recent studies suggest that coffee and tea, two of the most consumed beverages in the world after water, also contain an active compound that can disrupt the progression of cancer in various ways. This chemical, known as chlorogenic acid, is not only a powerful antioxidant but is also one of the major components that strongly influences the taste of coffee and tea. In a recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, Chinese researchers investigated the anticancer activities of chlorogenic acid. A polyphenol with known anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties, chlorogenic acid has been reported by previous studies to suppress the invasion and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells. HCC is the most common form of primary liver cancer in adults and is said to be responsible for more than 12,000 deaths in the U.S. per year. HCC occurs as a malignant tumor that expands into nearby environments, invading surrounding tissue. But what makes this tumor truly dangerous is the fact that it can metastasize, meaning tumor cells can break away from the primary tumor and migrate to a new location, allowing the cancer to spread. Because metastatic cancers are hard to stop, one of the main focuses of ongoing cancer research is to find ways to kill or suppress the growth of primary tumors and metastatic cancer cells. Multiple studies have reported that chlorogenic acid is a promising candidate for achieving this, having shown exceptional anticancer activities which include inhibiting cancer cell cycle progression, inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and suppressing cancer cell proliferation. Chlorogenic acid targets the malignant characteristics of HCC For their study, the Chinese researchers examined the effects of chlorogenic acid treatment on cultured human HCC cells and mice injected with the same cancer cells. One of the things they focused on was how chlorogenic acid affected the expression of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), the major enzyme responsible for maintaining the methylation patterns of DNA following replication. According to a study published in the journal Medical Science Monitor, human cancers consistently show alterations in the methylation patterns of tumor suppressor genes. The study further revealed that overexpression of DNMT1 is a common feature of invasive tumors, which suggests that it could be associated with the aggressive behavior of certain cancers. The Chinese researchers found that in both HCC cell cultures and tumor-injected mice, chlorogenic acid treatment suppressed the expression of DNMT1, which significantly enhanced the activities of two tumor suppressor proteins, namely, p53 and p21. The upregulation of these tumor suppressors, in turn, led to the inhibition of HCC cell proliferation, invasion and metastasis. (Related: Prevent cancer with chlorogenic acid-rich foods and supplements.) In addition, the researchers reported that chlorogenic acid inactivated ERK1/2, which has been described as "one of the most commonly dysregulated [signaling] pathways in human cancers." Because of its role in cancer metastasis, the ERK1/2 pathway has become a viable target of conventional cancer treatments, with several inhibitors already approved by the Food and Drug Administration since 2011. Chlorogenic acid also reduced the expression of two metalloproteinases, namely MMP-2 and MMP-9. Both of these enzymes are known for their roles in collagen degradation. High levels of MMP-2 have been detected in malignant tumors, while MMP-9 has been found to be involved in tumor invasion, metastasis and angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation). Taken together, these findings show that chlorogenic acid is a powerful anticancer agent that can stop aggressive liver cancer cells from invading surrounding tissue and spreading to other parts of the body. This also means that a diet rich in food sources of chlorogenic acid will greatly benefit liver cancer patients and should be included in their treatment to increase their chance of survival. Other benefits of chlorogenic acid Chlorogenic acid can be found in many plants, fruits and vegetables. Chemical analysis suggests that it is present in high concentrations in coffee, and you can get as much as 70 to 350 milligrams (mg) of chlorogenic acid per cup. Among coffee bean varieties, green coffee beans -- the raw, unroasted kind -- are said to be the most abundant source of chlorogenic acid. (Related: Study: Green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight.) One of the most widely distributed phenolic acids in plants, chlorogenic acid can also be found in different tea varieties, particularly green and black tea. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the amount of chlorogenic acid in green tea ranges from 0.01 to 0.40 mg per gram of tea leaves. Another study reported that some Kenyan tea cultivars, which are mostly black tea, contain between 4.2 to 22 mg of chlorogenic acid per gram of tea leaves. Other foods that you can add to your diet to increase your intake of chlorogenic acid include apples, artichoke, burdock root, carrots, eggplants, grapes, kiwi fruit, pears, plums, potatoes and tomatoes. Some medicinal herbs, such as betel, eucommia, honeysuckle and wormwood, also contain considerable amounts of chlorogenic acid. As one of the most extensively studied phytonutrients in foods, chlorogenic acid's beneficial properties are supported by decades worth of research. Besides its anticancer properties, chlorogenic acid has also been found to possess high antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant and neuroprotective potential. According to a study by Chinese researchers, chlorogenic acid is an effective natural antiviral against the hepatitis B virus. Meanwhile, another study found that chlorogenic acid can slow the absorption of glucose in the intestine, suggesting that it can support healthy glucose metabolism and prevent blood sugar spikes after meals. Chlorogenic acid has also been shown to exert antioxidant and anti-aging effects by promoting the proliferation of healthy cells, protecting against lipid peroxidation and accelerating wound healing. Chlorogenic acid is a remarkable compound with plenty of health-supporting properties. Learn about other beneficial compounds like chlorogenic acid at Phytonutrients.news. Watch this video to learn about how vitamin D supplementation benefits cancer patients. This video is from the Medicine Science Society channel on Brighteon.com. More related studies: Coffee contains hundreds of medicinal compounds that may prevent cognitive decline. Drinking coffee can help reduce your risk of depression, according to studies. Study: Eating BROCCOLI can protect against LIVER CANCER and fatty liver. Study: A sugary drink a day could increase your risks of chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Study: Supplementing with vitamin D helps prevent cancer, especially if it’s taken more frequently.
- UN Secretary-General is unfit to be lecturing the world about hate speech and disinformation
https://expose-news.com/2023/09/17/un-secretary-general-is-unfit-to-be/ The United Nations (“UN”) is developing a Code of Conduct for information integrity on digital platforms in preparation for the Summit of the Future in 2024. And, since February, Secretary-General António Guterres has been pushing this particular agenda at every given opportunity. Is António Guterres, who through his Portuguese political allies is implicated in the Casa Pia Scandal, even fit to suggest a “code of conduct” that would be imposed on the world? Guterres first mentioned the “UN Code of Conduct” in February when he said to the UN General Assembly: “As part of my report on Our Common Agenda, we are convening all stakeholders around a code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms. We will also further strengthen our focus on how mis- and disinformation are impacting progress on global issues – including the climate crisis.” UN Sec. General António Guterres Addresses U.N. General Assembly, 6 February 2023 (41 mins) In June, the UN published its ‘Policy Brief 8 Information Integrity on Digital Platforms’ and tweeted an appalling piece of propaganda to publicise it: To get more of a feel for the UN’s appalling use of propaganda, using headings such as “deceitful, dangerous and deadly,” you can read an article published by the UN in June to promote its “information integrity” agenda HERE. The introduction of the policy brief states: [Digital platforms] have enabled the rapid spread of lies and hate, causing real harm on a global scale … The danger cannot be overstated. Social media enabled hate speech and disinformation can lead to violence and death. The ability to disseminate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an existential risk to humanity and endangers democratic institutions and fundamental human rights. Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 8 Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, United Nations, June 2023, pg. 3 We wouldn’t disagree that digital platforms have enabled the spread of lies or hate speech, or that large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts can pose an existential risk to humanity. It’s who determines what are lies, hate speech and disinformation that is the issue. For example, there is overwhelming evidence of the dangers of mRNA injections such as the so-called covid vaccines. Disinformation that the injections are “safe and effective” has been widely disseminated and has caused real harm on a global scale. The false “safe and effective” narrative has not only endangered lives but has also endangered livelihoods, freedoms and human rights. Those who have made efforts to expose this and other falsehoods of the propaganda machine have been subjected to censorship, lies and hate speech, not only on digital platforms and in corporate media but also in real life. Conversely, the UN defines hate speech and disinformation not in terms of truth and facts but as information which is a threat to their Agenda 2030 goals: Across the world, the United Nations is monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. It has become clear that business as usual is not an option. Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 8 Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, United Nations, June 2023, pg. 3 Below is some of the deliberately inflammatory language and imagery the UN has used in its ‘Information Integrity on Digital Platforms’ policy brief. The UN is inverting reality. These images are, in fact, applicable to the lies and propaganda over the last few years that have been used to commit and then cover up crimes against humanity, as well as remove our rights and freedoms. Lies and propaganda that have been disseminated by corporate media, governments and non-government organisations such as the World Health Organisation, UN and World Economic Forum. Snippets taken from Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 8 Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, United Nations, June 2023 UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who deems himself worthy of deciding what constitutes disinformation and lies, is no stranger to controversy and cover ups himself. To understand the enormity of the scandal Guterres has been implicated in, we first need to refresh our memory as to his background. UN Secretary-General’s Background António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres is an engineer, politician and Portuguese diplomat who, since 2017, has served as the ninth UN Secretary-General. Guterres was Prime Minister of Portugal between 1995 and 2002 and Secretary General of the Socialist Party between 1992 and 2002. Guterres joined the Portuguese Socialist Party in 1973. The following year, just after the Carnation Revolution, he was appointed chief of staff for State Secretary for Industry and Energy José Torres Campos. In 1976, when the Socialist Party under the leadership of Mário Soares won the legislative elections, Guterres began to serve as chairman of the parliamentary committees of Economy and Finance (1977-1979) and of Territory Administration, Local Government and Environment (1985-1988). He also chaired the Demography, Migration and Refugee Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1981-1983). In 1992, he was elected secretary general of the Socialist Party, taking over the party leadership from Jorge Sampaio, and was Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. During this time, Guterres was also president of the Socialist International Organisation (1995-2000). Following the significant defeat of the Socialist Party in the December 2001 municipal elections, Guterres decided to resign and Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues took over the leadership of the Party. In 2002, Guterres took on the role of consultant to the Board of Directors of General Deposit Box, the largest financial institution and bank in Portugal which is owned by the government. Three years later, in 2005, he was appointed to the position of UN High Commissioner for Refugees. He remained in that position until 2015. A year after leaving the post of UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Guterres was chosen by the United Nations Security Council, in an informal and closed-door vote, as the ideal candidate for UN Secretary-General. In 1990 and 2005, Guterres attended the Bilderberg meetings held in New York and Germany respectively. Since 2007, he has attended at least nine of the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland. Guterres’ Deputy Named in the Casa Pia Scandal The ‘Casa Pia process’ or Casa Pia Scandal is a scandal involving the abuse of a number of children at the Casa Pia de Lisboa, an institution that champions the rights and protection of children and young people. Casa Pia de Lisboa is an orphanage managed by the Portuguese State for the education and support of poor children and orphans. The Scandal involved the abuse of several children at Casa Pia organised by people involved with the running and management of the institution. It was billed as Portugal’s trial of the century and one that horrified the nation. Several names of prominent personalities have been cited among the adults involved in this vast network of child sex offenders. A few were prosecuted, while others were too powerful, benefiting from a rigorous application of statute of limitations. The personalities involved were all known for their left-wing opinions, including several from the Socialist Party of Mário Soares. The case was made public on 23 September 2002 – the same year Guterres resigned as Socialist Party leader – when a former student of Casa Pia, in an interview with journalist Felícia Cabrita, claimed to have suffered from sexual abuse, as a young man. Although some reports of abuse date back to before the Carnation Revolution in April 1974, it was not until 1981 that the Judicial Police accused a Casa Pia employee of raping dozens of children over a period of 30 years, and to provide children to several men of Portuguese and foreign nationality, including some prominent personalities from Portugal. The majority of people responsible for these abuses were public figures and a former employee of the Casa Pia, Carlos Silvino, better known as Bibi. According to the prosecution, he chose his victims “among especially vulnerable children, lacking affection and without male parental references.” Former students spoke of other paedophile orgies which allegedly took place in a quiet villa in Alentejo where Bibi took them and where sixty people participated. It was later revealed that Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio’s predecessor, General António Ramalho Eanes, was aware of accusations of a prostitution ring 20 years earlier, but complaints to police at the time seem to have given no follow-up or to have disappeared. Wikispooks notes that the authorities had known the following for a long time: * In 1975, already denounced by teachers at Casa Pia for “paedophile practices,” Bibi was questioned by the police before being released; * In 1982, the Secretary of State for the Family, Teresa Costa Macedo, raised the alarm, providing in a report evidence of acts of child abuse within Casa Pia, but her report was closed without follow-up. Today she accuses António Ramalho Eanes (President of the Republic between 1976 and 1986) of having turned a blind eye. The judicial police recently recognised that these documents were destroyed in 1993; * In 1989, the same Bibi was expelled from Casa Pia for “paedophile practices,” but was reinstated two years later by a court decision. * In any case, many prominent personalities never need worry, because, as the statute of limitations dictates, the judges only focus on acts committed since 1995. Judicial Police estimates that more than 100 children, of the 4,600 students enrolled at Casa Pia at that time, may have been sexually abused. On 29 December 2003, Attorney General José Souto Moura, formally accused several personalities of sexually abusing minors: * Carlos Silvino, employee of Casa Pia and former student of the institution. * Herman José and Carlos Cruz, two Portuguese television stars. * Underwater archaeologist Francisco Alves and former doctor at Casa Pia, Ferreira Diniz (Francisco Alves was only tried separately for illegal possession of a weapon). * The former Minister of Social Security of António Guterres’ government and at the time deputy of the Socialist Party, Paulo Pedroso. * Ambassador to UNESCO Jorge Ritto. In 2004, the Guardian reported on the Scandal but focused on Socialist Party deputy Paulo Pedroso and made no mention of Guterres who by that time was a consultant at Portugal’s state-run bank. Pedroso, was one of those arrested, though he was later freed without charges after spending four and a half months on remand. The Independent noted that “Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the [socialist] party leader, who is not accused of involvement, testified in court [in June 2003], and Antonio Guterres, who is also not under suspicion, visited [Pedroso] in jail to show support.” According to German media outlet Recentr, like other influential Portuguese, Guterres was a suspect in the Cas Pia Scandal. Around 1,000 witnesses and experts were heard in the almost six years of the trial. The former Prime Minister António Guterres, the former Minister of Labour Paulo Pedroso, and the former Portuguese Ambassador to UNESCO Jorge Ritto were among the accused. In May 2003 – seven months after the Casa Pia Scandal was first made public and seven months before formal accusations were made – then Prime Minister José Manuel Barroso, together with former Prime Minister Francisco Balsemao and Socialist Party leader Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, attended the Bilderberg meeting in Versaille, France. Francisco Balsemao is no stranger to the Bilderberg Group. He is a member of the Group’s Steering Committee and has participated in more than 30 Bilderberg Conferences since 1981. On 3 September 2010, six men and one woman were found guilty of crimes including sexually abusing minors and adolescents, raping children and running a paedophile ring at the Casa Pia state-run children’s home in Lisbon during the 1990s. Ritto was one of them and was given six years, eight months in jail. Pedroso, who had been accused by several witnesses but was ultimately not convicted, demanded EUR 600,000 compensation from the state for the damage to his political career. Bilderberger Barroso was nominated and confirmed for the post of EU Commission President in 2004, a post he held for 10 years. Pedroso’s close personal friend Bilderberger Rodrigues who was also burdened by witnesses, according to the newspaper Expresso, later became an envoy to the OECD, a post he held from 2005 to 2011. And … Bilderberger Guterres went on to become UN Secretary-General.
Harald Kautz-Vella - a name to become familiar with. Dr. Merritt follows Harald Kautz into a DEEP Rabbit Hole about black goo, the nature of reality, Satan and Coronavirus and more. You may have to listen to this one TWICE or more. This guy KNOWS his shit. Explains Satan and AI. WILD stuff that will leave you a little stunned. Topics: Talks about Long Covid. Getting magnetic is spike protein destroying red blood cells. Potassium being depleted. Time Travel, Satan, Timeline Changes/Splits, Mandela Effects, Mantis Aliens, Satan going to back to Source for 1,000 years, Archons, Archons are the Non-Incarnating Spirits of the Satanic Biosphere, The imprints of human Subconscious, and much more. Archons are the Non-Incarnating Spirits of the Satanic Biosphere – Source: Harald Kautz-Vella on an interview with Dr. Lee Merritt at around the 58:44 mark. The Satanic Biosphere had highly developed races. Not demons, demons are more like animals and archons are more like humans, but highly developed in Spirit, highly intelligent. There are 3 types of Archons: One is like an Octopus entity – like Captain of the Pirates of Caribbean. Then the Spider which is the God of Free Masons. The third is Kundalini or Shakti. Whenever humans have an injury to one of the Chakras an Archon can move in. If the sacrum chakra is damaged, injured or traumatized one of the archons can move in – a spider archon can move in if sacral chakra is traumatized. The entire Circumcision business is to Traumatize the Sacrum Chakra. Trauma is pulling back from perceiving your own body because it is too painful. Therefor you will not notice if something else moves in. The Archon Entity CAN be removed if you go through and experience the trauma. There are truly Evil people here. They are tortured down to the state Satan was tortured down to. They are completely disconnected from Source or Soul – which is part of Source. They are empty. In the Satanic Cabal cults the children are traumatized. The weak ones are sacrificed. The people we see as our leaders are “survivors” of severe trauma. They are detached from source. Since we are part of Source, they are completely detached from us. They have NO connection. They don’t even understand God. Not at all. They want to form a hive mentality. They have no attachment to an individual soul, their only soul is a Collective Soul of Darkness. A synthetic soul. An Artificial hive soul. They are Hell. Hell being completely detached from God Source Creator. To become prominent in their world they have to behave like a hive of bees. Working diligently in lockstep to achieve their agenda. One of the unspoken Agendas is to not allow us to know our purpose and to keep us as close to their darkness as they can. They are Vampires who need us for energy as they have no connection to the all powerful source. They truly believe they can obtain more power than God. They are insane. But yet highly intelligent as a hive. They go through their religious child sacrifices and they are constantly recruiting others to join them, to join the darkside which can lead to fame, wealth, prestigious positions and power. But first they have to partake in murder – child sacrifice. The “recruits” are NOT the real players here. They are the “Puppets.” They really joy entrapping/imprisoning souls in their vicious games by offering them fortune, fame and power. They blackmail them and the USE them to help control the rest of us and influence us with propaganda. The puppets are most of the higher political realms, head of states and presidents. The Bloodlines are the so called “Masters.” The Annunaki Bloodline being one of the masters. They have constantly changed their names through history. They breed within their own families to keep the blood pure. We live in a Multiverse which devolves to Source and Satan. Satanic forces were incarnated into this black goo that literally could enter our dimension and effect planets. The black goo becomes part of our Planetary Consciousness and we lose our connectivity with Source God because it’s trying to take over. Most of the Universe is just fine. This is an experiment with Source in which Source wanted to see what would happen if an Entity would completely be removed from God Source. So God wanted an isolated piece of himself in which he had no connection with it and it had no connection with Source. Source is the Ultimate Manifester, so the instant Source asked this question – the answer is manifesting instantly as Source is outside of space time, everything instantly materialized. Just the thought of the question of creating an entity separate of source started all of this Now how to END this horrible experience? What could recollect all of this and bring it all back home to Source? This is what Humanity was created for. We are now in the 5th creation as humans kept destroying each other. We are here to absorb, experience and deal with trauma – the darkness. Then we heal and can go back to Source. While here we live to our passions meaning we experience 3D physical life by doing what we are passionate about. We have Souls. Souls are part of God. God is Light. Light is LOVE. Just our presence here is enough to help heal the trauma. Get it?? That’s the point. What do I mean by Good Enough? The more we wake up, we are En-Lightened. Meaning we are filled with more Source Energy. Our DNA is receiving Codes from the Sun as we enter this critical new 26,000 Astronomical Event. There is a reason they are spraying to Dim the Sun right now, in this moment in time. They do NOT want us waking up. Light will reveal the Darkness. They do not want their world to be discovered. Light will be their ending.
GEORGE BUSH RAPED MY CHILD: Former FBI Head along with Eyewitness testimony confirms George Bush raped innocent children and hunted naked children in the woods with Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney. Clinton ran a drug operation. Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright forced oral sex.