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$100 Billion CONSTITUTIONAL Dollars

Lawsuits, as i learned in having to respond to the Butthead Corey Goode’s suit against me for saying his ‘blue avians’ were fictional chickenshit, are a lot like programming. Develop the logic, choose the strategy, build the framework, put a little bit of code in each function as they are identified, then when complete, go on to step-wise refinement until it is complete and correct.

So, just saying, i’m good at programming. Loved the functional languages, assembly, C, cobol even, and LISP, and Prolog. Thus the lawsuit, now begun, is kind of fun. And when the paperwork is complete and correct, and the suit filed, i get another fun task which is fighting with other minds. A big tussle over Truth, Justice, and the American way.

i will be posting more of these snapshots of the guts of the lawsuit as i develop it. As expected, AI aids the speed greatly. This has so far taken about 2 hours time. Including one dog walk for a quick pee.

Here is iteration #1 for your consideration.

Oh, and your excuse in the age of AI for NOT doing your own suits against wrongs is what exactly???

So, for those who are curious how this legal shit works, stay tuned as we progress to the contention part.

This is the necessary framework structure that will be refined over these next few days.




Opening Statement:

"Comes now before this Court, the embodiment of a Living Soul, named Clif_High, a Natural Man living on the Earth, who asserts fundamental and unalienable rights endowed by Nature. These rights, articulated in the Declaration of Independence, include the rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Chief among these is Life, and Life requires a natural environment to flourish and to reach the potential that Nature intended in fostering that Life."

Clif_High asserts that the natural weather and the electromagnetic integrity of the Earth's atmosphere are essential aspects of the environment necessary to sustain Natural Life, including the health and well-being of all mammalian beings. These natural phenomena regulate human behavior, biological processes, and spiritual harmony with the Earth.

The defendants, engaged explicitly in the business of altering the weather for profit, employ stratospheric injections, commonly referred to as ‘chemtrails,’ which not only disrupt weather patterns and reduce sunlight but also play a supporting role in the injection of harmful electromagnetic fields into the atmosphere. These electromagnetic modifications represent an additional assault on the natural environment, interfering with life at multiple levels.

Furthermore, these activities disrupt the Schumann Resonance—a natural electromagnetic resonance at approximately 7Hz—which serves as a vital link among mammalian minds and forms an integral part of the Earth’s natural environment. Interference with this resonance harms the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of all mammalian life, including the plaintiff.

The Living Soul, Clif_High, seeks injunctive relief to halt the ongoing harm caused by these unnatural and intentional manipulations of the Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and electromagnetic field, which constitute a daily assault on the health, harmony, and natural rights of all life on this planet.

Additionally, Clif_High seeks damages in the amount of 100 billion dollars, payable in Constitutional US dollars, as compensation for the profound and ongoing harm caused by these activities, and as restitution for the destruction inflicted upon the natural environment that is essential for Life to flourish.

2. Jurisdiction and Venue

  1. This Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because the claims arise under federal law, including fundamental constitutional rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the protections implied under federal environmental statutes such as the Clean Air Act.

  2. This Court also has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because the plaintiff resides in the State of Washington, the defendants are domiciled in states other than Washington, and the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs.

  3. Venue is proper in the Western District of Washington under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because:a. The harm and injury to the plaintiff occurred within this judicial district.b. The plaintiff resides within this district.c. The defendants conduct substantial business in this district, including activities that directly cause the harms described in this Complaint.

3. Parties


  1. Plaintiff Clif_High is a Living Soul, a Natural Man residing in the State of Washington. The plaintiff brings this action on behalf of himself and as a representative of Natural Life on Earth, asserting harm caused by the defendants’ actions that interfere with his health, well-being, and ability to flourish in a natural environment as intended by Nature.


2. Defendants include, but are not limited to:

a. The Department of Defense and other U.S. Federal Agencies engaged in or supporting stratospheric injections, electromagnetic field manipulations, and weather modification activities. These activities are deliberate, profit-driven, and materially alter the natural environment to the detriment of the plaintiff and all Natural Life.

b. Airports and aviation operators, including commercial and private entities, that provide logistical support, facilities, or other services enabling the implementation of stratospheric injection and atmospheric modification programs.

c. Media companies involved in the production, dissemination, or promotion of materials aimed at "normalizing" stratospheric injection activities and chemtrails through movies, advertisements, television programming, or other forms of publicly available media.

d. Media companies and individuals engaged in the distribution of disinformation regarding chemtrails and atmospheric modification programs, thereby concealing the truth from the public and contributing to the harm caused by these activities.

e. Corporations and contractors that manufacture, distribute, or deploy materials, chemicals, and equipment used in stratospheric injection or electromagnetic modification activities, including those that knowingly release nano-particulate aluminum and other harmful substances into the atmosphere.

f. Officers and decision-makers of these corporations, agencies, and media entities, who conspired or colluded to plan, implement, and/or conceal the described activities for profit and other undisclosed purposes.

  1. Plaintiff asserts that defendants' actions were undertaken deliberately and without the informed consent of the public, violating fundamental rights and causing significant harm to the plaintiff, the natural environment, and the broader public.

Statement of Facts

  1. Plaintiff Clif_High resides in the State of Washington and has experienced direct harm resulting from stratospheric injection activities, electromagnetic field manipulations, and associated weather modification technologies.

  2. Stratospheric injection, commonly referred to as "chemtrails," involves the deliberate release of substances into the upper atmosphere with the intent to alter weather patterns, reduce sunlight, and support other atmospheric manipulations. These activities are conducted under the direction of the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, and private corporations, as part of geoengineering and weather modification programs.

  3. Electromagnetic field injections into the atmosphere are designed to interact with these stratospheric substances, creating atmospheric changes that further disrupt natural weather patterns, sunlight distribution, and electromagnetic balances essential to the health of Natural Life.

  4. These actions disrupt the Schumann Resonance, a natural 7Hz electromagnetic frequency linking mammalian minds and forming an integral part of Earth's environment. The interference with this resonance has caused physical, mental, and emotional harm to the plaintiff and other living beings.

  5. Defendants have engaged in these activities deliberately and for profit, without public consent or appropriate oversight. The plaintiff alleges that such actions constitute environmental harm, assault on the natural environment, and violations of fundamental rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

  6. The plaintiff seeks to show that these actions are part of a larger conspiracy and collusion among federal agencies and private corporations, aimed at manipulating the environment for profit and other undisclosed purposes. These activities harm not only the plaintiff but all living beings reliant on Earth's natural systems.

5. Legal Claims

Claim 1: Violation of Fundamental Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  1. Defendants’ actions, including stratospheric injections and electromagnetic field manipulations, constitute an assault on the plaintiff’s inherent rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and as implied in the U.S. Constitution.

  2. By disrupting sunlight, natural weather patterns, and the electromagnetic environment essential to health and well-being, defendants infringe upon the plaintiff’s ability to live a natural and fulfilling life.

  3. These actions further harm the plaintiff through the intentional release of chemicals, including nano-particulate-sized aluminum and other substances suspected or known to be carcinogenic, into the atmosphere. These substances pose a direct threat to human health, including increased risks of cancer and respiratory illnesses.

Claim 2: Public Nuisance

  1. Defendants’ activities constitute a public nuisance by unreasonably interfering with the rights of the public to clean air, natural weather patterns, and a healthy environment.

  2. The release of harmful substances, including nano-particulate-sized aluminum and other known toxins, has polluted the air and degraded public health, creating a threat to all Natural Life.

  3. As a member of the public, the plaintiff has suffered specific harm from these activities, including potential exposure to carcinogens and other health risks.

Claim 3: Private Nuisance

  1. Defendants’ activities have interfered with the plaintiff’s personal use and enjoyment of his property by altering the natural environment, degrading air quality, and introducing harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

  2. The release of nano-particulate aluminum and other toxic substances has directly impacted the plaintiff’s health, well-being, and connection to the natural environment, constituting a private nuisance.

Claim 4: Violation of Environmental Laws (Clean Air Act)

  1. Defendants’ stratospheric injection and electromagnetic activities involve the release of harmful substances, including nano-particulate aluminum, into the atmosphere without proper oversight, permits, or public disclosure.

  2. These activities violate provisions of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.), which governs air quality and pollutant control, by contributing to pollution and environmental harm.

  3. Plaintiff asserts a citizen suit under 42 U.S.C. § 7604 to enforce compliance with the Clean Air Act and to hold defendants accountable for unauthorized emissions of toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Claim 5: Trespass

  1. The harmful substances released by defendants, including nano-particulate aluminum and other toxins, have settled on the plaintiff’s property without his consent, constituting an unlawful trespass.

  2. These materials interfere with the plaintiff’s use and enjoyment of his property and pose significant health risks.

Claim 6: Negligence

  1. Defendants owed a duty to the public, including the plaintiff, to refrain from actions that harm the environment and human health.

  2. By engaging in activities that release harmful substances into the atmosphere, disrupt natural weather patterns, reduce sunlight, and interfere with the Schumann Resonance, defendants breached this duty.

  3. The release of nano-particulate aluminum and other known or suspected carcinogens constitutes gross negligence, as it endangers human health and the natural environment.

Claim 7: Violation of the Public Trust Doctrine

  1. The Earth’s atmosphere, weather systems, and natural electromagnetic environment are part of the public trust and must be preserved for the benefit of current and future generations.

  2. Defendants have violated the public trust by releasing harmful chemicals, manipulating natural weather patterns, and degrading the electromagnetic balance, all of which cause harm to the plaintiff and the public.

Claim 8: RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)

  1. Defendants, including corporations and their officers, engaged in collusion and conspiracy to alter the atmosphere and natural environment for profit, violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C. § 1961 et seq.).

  2. These actions involve a coordinated enterprise designed to manipulate the weather and electromagnetic environment while releasing harmful substances such as nano-particulate aluminum, causing widespread harm and generating financial benefit for the defendants.

  3. Plaintiff asserts that these activities meet the criteria for a pattern of racketeering activity, including fraud, environmental violations, and harm to the public.

Claim 9: Assault on the Natural Environment

  1. Defendants’ deliberate actions to alter the natural environment, including the release of nano-particulate aluminum and other toxins, constitute an assault on the balance and integrity of life on Earth.

  2. These actions harm all living beings, including the plaintiff, by interfering with the fundamental systems that sustain life.

6. Prayer for Relief

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Clif_High respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:

  1. Injunctive Relief:

    • Issue an immediate and permanent injunction against the Department of Defense and all related federal agencies, prohibiting them from conducting or supporting stratospheric injection activities, electromagnetic field atmospheric modifications, or any other weather manipulation activities.

    • Issue an injunction against all airports, commercial operators, and private entities that support, enable, or facilitate these activities, requiring them to cease all participation in or support of such programs.

  2. Cease and Desist Orders:

    • Order all defendants to immediately cease stratospheric injection and electromagnetic modification activities.

    • Require the immediate suspension of any ongoing operations involving the release of nano-particulate aluminum or other harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

  3. Restoration and Remediation:

    • Mandate defendants to fund and implement a comprehensive plan to remediate the environmental damage caused by their activities, including:

      • Removal of harmful particulates from the atmosphere to the extent scientifically possible.

      • Restoration of natural weather patterns and electromagnetic integrity, including minimizing disruptions to the Schumann Resonance.

  4. Compensatory Damages:

    • Award the plaintiff $100 billion in Constitutional US dollars as compensation for the ongoing and severe harm caused to his health, property, and well-being, as well as the broader degradation of the natural environment that sustains all life.

  5. Preventative Measures:

    • Require the implementation of monitoring systems to ensure future compliance with any court-ordered prohibitions and to prevent the recurrence of the described activities.

  6. Court Oversight:

    • Appoint a special master or monitoring body to oversee the cessation and remediation efforts to ensure compliance by the defendants and to protect the plaintiff and the public from future harm.

  7. Attorneys’ Fees and Costs:

    • Award all reasonable costs incurred in bringing this action, including filing fees, discovery costs, and expert witness expenses, even though the plaintiff proceeds pro se.

  8. Other Relief:

    • Grant any other relief that this Court deems just and equitable under the circumstances, including but not limited to, actions necessary to protect the plaintiff’s health, property, and unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Plaintiff asserts that the damage caused by the defendants’ actions is ongoing, severe, and irreparable if not stopped immediately. The relief sought herein is essential to prevent further harm, remediate the damage inflicted, and protect the natural environment critical to all life.

You can play too!

Put on your briefs!

When i file this case, i will announce it on X & Truth.

If you wish, you can then file an Amicus Brief in support.

You would be advantaged in the following ways.

An amicus brief (friend of the court brief) filed in support of this lawsuit could provide several advantages to the filer, depending on their motivations and objectives. Here’s how filing such a brief might benefit individuals or organizations:

1. Advocacy for Shared Interests

  • Amplify Issues of Public Concern: The filer can bring attention to the broader implications of the case, such as environmental damage, public health risks, or government accountability.

  • Advance Their Own Mission: Environmental groups, public health advocates, or civil liberties organizations can use the brief to further their causes by aligning their goals with the issues raised in your case.

2. Influence the Court

  • Provide Expertise: Amicus briefs can offer specialized knowledge or scientific evidence (e.g., about the chemicals used in stratospheric injections, their health effects, or the Schumann Resonance). This can help clarify complex issues for the court.

  • Strengthen the Plaintiff’s Argument: By introducing additional legal theories, scientific data, or precedents, the brief can bolster the credibility and persuasiveness of your claims.

3. Public Awareness and Reputation

  • Gain Publicity: Filing an amicus brief in a high-profile or groundbreaking case can attract media attention, highlighting the filer’s role as an advocate for important societal issues.

  • Reinforce Credibility: Organizations or experts contributing to such a case demonstrate their commitment to addressing significant legal, environmental, or ethical concerns, enhancing their standing with stakeholders and the public.

4. Shape Legal Precedent

  • Create Long-Term Impact: If your case sets a legal precedent, the arguments and evidence presented in the amicus brief could help shape future court decisions on related issues, advancing the filer’s legal or policy goals.

  • Expand Jurisprudence: The brief may introduce new perspectives or innovative legal theories that courts might consider when interpreting laws or constitutional principles.

5. Access to Proceedings

  • Participate Without Being a Party: Filing an amicus brief allows an individual or organization to have their voice heard without assuming the risks or costs of becoming a direct party to the lawsuit.

  • Monitor Developments: Amicus filers can stay actively engaged in the case and its implications while avoiding direct liability or obligations that plaintiffs or defendants may face.

Examples of Amicus Brief Filers for This Case

  • Environmental Advocacy Groups: Could argue the ecological and health implications of chemtrails and electromagnetic manipulations.

  • Scientific Organizations: Could present evidence on the Schumann Resonance, nano-particulate aluminum, or weather modification technologies.

  • Civil Liberties Organizations: Might emphasize the constitutional or human rights issues involved, such as the right to a natural environment.

  • Whistleblower Supporters: Could highlight the role of government transparency and accountability.


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