For a child to be competent enough to make the decision to have the Covid-19 vaccine they should be made aware of all the facts before they reach their decision, and the same can be said for parents who wish to consent to their child having the jab.
So we’ve compiled 13 factual reasons why you should not allow your child to get the COVID-19 vaccine…

Reason No. 1 86% of Children suffered an Adverse Reaction to the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine in the Clinical Trial
The information is publicly available and contained within a US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) fact sheet which can be viewed here (see page 25, table 5 on-wards).
That fact sheet contains two tables that detail the alarming rate of side effects and damage experienced by 12 – 15- year-old children who were given at least one dose of the Pfizer mRNA injection.
The tables shows that 1,127 children were given one dose of the mRNA jab, but only 1,097 children received the second dose. This fact in itself raises questions as to why 30 children did not receive a second dose of the Pfizer jab.
Of the 1,127 children who received a first dose of the jab 86% experienced an adverse reaction. Of the 1,097 children who received a second dose of the jab 78.9% experienced an adverse reaction.

Reason No. 2 1 in 9 Children suffered a Severe Adverse Reaction leaving them unable to perform daily activities in the Pfizer Clinical Trial
For children 12 to 15 years of age, the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial found the overall incidence of severe adverse events which left them unable to perform daily activities, during the two-month observation period to be 10.7%, or 1 in 9, in the vaccinated group and 1.9% in the unvaccinated group.
Consequently, children who received the vaccine had nearly six times the risk of a severe adverse event occurring in the two-month observation period compared to children who did not receive the vaccine. In addition, the incidence of Covid-19 in the unvaccinated group was 1.6%, therefore, there were almost seven times more severe adverse events observed in the vaccinated group than there were Covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated group.
This information is all freely available to see in official Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents and official Centre for Disease Control (CDC) documents.

Reason No. 3 Just 9 deaths associated with Covid-19 have occurred in Children since March 2020
Official NHS data which can be viewed here (see Table 3 – COVID-19 deaths by age group and pre-existing condition of the downloadable excel document) shows that since March 2020 just 9 people under the age of 19 have died with Covid-19 who had no known pre-existing conditions in England’s hospitals, up to the 26th August 2021. The data also shows that just 39 people under the age of 19 have died with Covid-19 in the same time frame who did have other serious underlying conditions.
There are approximately 15.6 million people aged 19 and under in the United Kingdom which means just 1 in every 410,526 children and teenagers have allegedly died with Covid-19 in 18 months who had other serious pre-existing conditions. Whilst just 1 in every 1.7 million children have allegedly died with Covid-19 in 18 months, who had no know pre-existing conditions.

A scientific study titled ‘Deaths in Children and Young People in England following SARS-CoV-2 infection during the first pandemic year: a national study using linked mandatory child death reporting data’ (which can be found here), conducted by Clare Smith of NHS England and Improvement and several Universities also concluded that children are at negligible risk of death, hospitalisation, or serious illness due to the alleged Covid-19 virus.
The study collated data from the National Child Mortality Database; a mandatory system that records all deaths in Children under 18 years of age in England. What the researchers found is that just 25 children under the age of 18 died of Covid-19 between March 2020 and February 2021, with 15 of the 25 having a pre-existing life-limiting condition, and 19 of the 25 having a chronic condition.

The study also found that 16 of the 25 children who sadly died had two or more comorbidities with 8 children suffering pre-existing neurological and respiratory problems, 3 children suffering pre-existing neurological and cardiology problems, and 3 children suffering respiratory and cardiology problems.

Reason No. 4 The risk of Children developing serious illness due to Covid-19 is extremely low
A study (found here) led by Professor Russell Viner of UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, published on the medRxiv server, found that 251 young people aged under 18 in England were admitted to intensive care with Covid-19 during the first year of the pandemic (until the end of February 2021).
The results of the study found that there were 5,830 admissions associated with Covid-19 among children up to 17 years of age during the pandemic year, this represents just 1.3% of secondary care admissions among children.
The lead author of the study said: “These new studies show that the risks of severe illness or death from SARS-CoV-2 are extremely low in children and young people”.

Reason No. 5 The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine is experimental and still in Clinical Trials
The Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection is in fact only temporarily authorised (see official MHRA document here) for emergency use only. In October the government made changes to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to allow the MHRA to grant temporary authorisation of a Covid-19 vaccine without needing to wait for the EMA.
A temporary use authorisation is valid for one year only and requires the pharmaceutical companies to complete specific obligations, such as ongoing or new studies. Once comprehensive data on the product have been obtained, standard marketing authorisation can be granted. This means that the manufacturer of the vaccine cannot be held liable for any injury or death that occurs due to their vaccine, unless it was due to a quality control issue.

The reason the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection has only been granted temporary authorisation is because it is still in clinical trials that are not set to conclude until May 2nd 2023. You can see the official Clinical Trial Study Tracker for the Pfizer jab on the US National Library of Medicine site here.

This is the first time mRNA injections have ever been authorised for use in humans (see here), and the long term side effects are not known, meaning the millions of people around the world who have had the Pfizer Covid-19 injection are essentially taking part in an experiment.
Reason No. 6 Three Scientific Studies conducted by the UK Government, Oxford University, & CDC, which were published in August have found the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work
New research in multiple settings shows that the alleged Delta Covid-19 variant, the now dominant variant in the UK, produces very high viral loads which are just as high in the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated population. Therefore, vaccinating individuals does not stop or even slow the spread of the alleged dominant Delta Covid-19 variant.
The CDC study (found here) focused on 469 cases among Massachusetts residents who attended indoor and outdoor public gatherings over a two week period. The results found that 346 of the cases were among vaccinated residents with 74% of them presenting with alleged Covid-19 symptoms, and 1.2% being hospitalised. However, the remaining 123 cases were among the unvaccinated population with just 1 person being hospitalised (0.8%).
The Oxford University study (found here) examined 900 hospital staff members in Vietnam who had been vaccinated with the Oxford / AstraZeneca viral vector injection between March and April 2021. The entire hospital staff tested negative for the Covid-19 virus in mid May 2021 however, the first case among the vaccinated staff members was discovered on June 11th.
All 900 hospital staff were then retested for the Covid-19 virus and 52 additional cases were identified immediately, forcing the hospital into lockdown. Over the next two weeks, 16 additional cases were identified.
The study found that 76% of the Covid-19 positive staff developed respiratory symptoms, with 3 staff members developing pneumonia and one staff member requiring three days of oxygen therapy. Peak viral loads among the fully vaccinated infected group were found to be 251 times higher than peak viral loads found among the staff in March – April 2020 when they were not vaccinated.
The UK Department of Health & Social Care study (found here) is an analysis of ongoing population wide SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in the UK and includes measures of viral load among the population.
The study found that viral loads among the vaccinated and unvaccinated population are virtually the same, and much higher than had been recorded prior to the Covid-19 injection roll-out. The study also found that the majority of cases among the vaccinated population were presenting with symptoms when they became positive.
The authors of the study conclude that the Pfizer and Oxford / AstraZeneca injection have lost efficacy against what they claim to be the Delta Covid-19 variant.
Reason No. 7 Public Health England Data shows the majority of Covid-19 Deaths are among the Vaccinated and suggests that the Vaccines worsen disease
A report titled ‘SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England’ (found here – see Table 5 Page 21), is the 22nd technical briefing on alleged variants of concern in the United Kingdom published by Public Health England.
From February 1st 2021 up to August 29th 2021 nearly twice as many unvaccinated people account for confirmed cases of Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated.
However when you include the number to have received one dose of a Covid-19 injection the number of cases among the vaccinated group (222,693) actually surpasses the number that have been recorded among the unvaccinated population.

The total number of deaths to have occurred since February 2021 involving the Delta Covid-19 variant that have been linked to vaccination status total 1,698. Of these just 30% have been among the unvaccinated population, despite the fact most second vaccinations were administered between April and June.
Whereas the fully vaccinated account for 64.25% of Covid-19 deaths since February 2021, and when including the partly vaccinated in those numbers they account for 70%.

The data published by Public Health England actually suggests that the risk of death increases significantly in those who have been fully vaccinated.
536 deaths have occurred among 219,716 confirmed cases in the unvaccinated population since February. This is a case fatality rate of 0.2%. Whereas 1,091 deaths have occurred among 113,823 cases among the fully vaccinated population. This is a case fatality rate of 1%.
This means the Covid-19 injections seem to be increasing the risk of death due to Covid-19 by 400% rather than reducing the risk of death by 95% as claimed by the vaccine manufacturers, Public Health bodies, and the Government.
Reason No. 8 There have been at least 1.18 million Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines in the UK alone
The thirty-second report highlighting adverse reactions to the Pfizer / BioNTech, Oxford / AstraZeneca, and Moderna Covid-19 injections that have been reported to the UK Medicine Regulator’s (MHRA) Yellow Card scheme reveals that there have been 1,186,844 adverse reactions reported since the 9th December 2020 up to the 1st September 2021.
The reports for each available vaccine can be found here under the analysis print section and include adverse reactions such as blindness, seizure, stroke, paralysis, cardiac arrest and many other serious ailments.
The Pfizer mRNA injections has left at least 107 people fully paralysed and a number of other people partly paralysed up to the 1st September 2021. However, the MHRA state that an estimated 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the Yellow Card scheme, meaning the true figure of adverse reactions is immensely higher.

Reason No. 9 There have been more deaths in 8 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than there have been due to all other available Vaccines since the year 2001
The UK Medicine Regulator responded to a Freedom of Information (found here) request demanding to know how many deaths have occurred in the past 20 years due to all vaccines, and their response revealed that there have been four times as many deaths in just eight months due to the Covid-19 injections.
The request was made via email to the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on the 6th August 2021, and in answer to the question asked on the number of deaths due to all other vaccines in the past twenty years, the MHRA revealed that they had received a total of 404 reported adverse reactions to all available vaccines (excluding the Covid-19 injections) associated with a fatal outcome between the 1st January 2001 and the 25th August 2021 – a time frame of 20 years and 8 months.

However, according to the MHRA Yellow Card Report (see here – under each analysis print section) there have been 1,632 deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines from December 9th 2020 up to September 1st 2021. This includes 16 deaths due to the Moderna jab, 24 deaths where the brand of vaccine was unspecified, 1,064 deaths due to the AstraZeneca vaccine, and 524 deaths due to the Pfizer mRNA injection.

Reason No. 10 The risk of Myocarditis (Heart Inflammation) in Children due to the Pfizer Vaccine
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, whilst Pericarditis is inflammation of the protective sacs surrounding the heart. Both are serious conditions due to the fact the heart muscle cannot regenerate, and both conditions have officially been added to the safety labels of the Pfizer jab and Moderna jab by the MHRA (see here).

Myocarditis and pericarditis happen very rarely in the general (unvaccinated) population, and it is estimated that in the UK there are about 6 new cases of myocarditis per 100,000 patients per year and about 10 new cases of pericarditis per 100,000 patients per year.
The MHRA has undertaken a thorough review of both UK and international reports of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination against Covid-19 due to a recent increase in reporting of these events in particular with the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, with a consistent pattern of cases occurring more frequently in young males.
A Scientific Study published on the JAMA network, has also found that the incidence of myocarditis among vaccinated individuals is at least double what Health Authorities are claiming.

The new JAMA study (found here) showed a similar pattern to a CDC study (found here), although at higher incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination, suggesting vaccine adverse event under-reporting.
The researchers calculated the average monthly number of cases of myocarditis or pericarditis during the pre-vaccine period of January 2019 through January 2021 was 16.9 compared with 27.3 during the vaccine period of February through May 2021.
The mean numbers of pericarditis cases during the same periods were 49.1 and 78.8.
Dr. George Diaz who conducted the study told Medscape that “Our study resulted in higher numbers of cases probably because we searched the EMR, and [also because] VAERS requires doctors to report suspected cases voluntarily,” Diaz told Medscape. Also, in the governments’ statistics, pericarditis and myocarditis were “lumped together”.
Reason No. 11 Children have died and are dying due to the Covid-19 Vaccines
The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which can be searched here by inputting the specific VAERS ID shows that several children have died in the US after having the Covid-19 vaccine, with many suffering cardiac arrest.
A 16 year-old female received the Pfizer vaccine on the 19th March 2021. Nine days later the same female went into cardiac arrest at home. By the 30th March 2021 she had sadly died. Found under VAERS ID 1225942.

A 15 year-old female suffered cardiac arrest and ended up in intensive care four days after having the Moderna mRNA jab. She also sadly died. Found under VAERS ID 1187918.

Another 15 year-old female received her second dose of the Pfizer jab on the 6th June 2021. Sadly one day later she died suddenly without reason. Found under VAERS ID 1383620.

A 15 year-old male die due to an unexplained reason twenty-three days after having the Pfizer jab. Found under VAERS ID 1382906.

The above are sadly just a few examples of the deaths to have occurred among children due to the Covid-19 vaccines in the USA.
Reason No. 12 Who profits from your Child getting the Covid-19 Vaccine?
It may surprise you to know that GP’s were already being incentivised to inject the adult population with the Covid-19 vaccine with a payment of £12.58 for every dose administered.
So it may surprise you further to know that GP’s are being offered an additional payment of £10 on top of the £12.58 already offered for every injection administered to a child in the United Kingdom. All of this is documented in an official NHS document found here.
According to the last count made in 2020 there are approximately 3,154,459 children between the ages of 12 and 15 in the United Kingdom. Therefore GP’s across the UK could stand to make a combined £142.45 million if every child is injected with a Covid-19 vaccine.
