Climate Related News: Wildfires, urban fires, climate change and economic depression have something in common but it is not CO2
Corporate media frequently spread conspiracy theories but this is never acknowledged. Corporate media also spreads propaganda according to the wishes of their paymasters. Propaganda which includes all things related to a “human-caused climate change crisis.”
Using scientific evidence, it is easy to refute corporate media and their sponsors’ hysterical claims about anthropogenic climate change. It is also to refute many of the claims made in corporate media about recent events being linked to climate change such as recent wildfires and urban fires.
Most importantly, it is easy to find sufficient evidence for who is behind the nefarious “climate change” agenda and why. So, how do we survive the agenda and halt the march of climate fascism or communism, or both – without the help of corporate media, obviously?
The following are some recent articles published by a variety of sources.
Corporate media and its conspiracy theories: When a conspiracy theory is spread through corporate media it is almost never acknowledged as such, even in retrospect. On the other hand, if a story goes against the mainstream narrative, it is quickly – far too quickly – labelled a conspiracy theory. Any criticism of coronavirus policy, any criticism of climate discourse, any critical analysis of the structure of globalist institutions and their propaganda campaigns, and so on – all automatically conspiracy theories! This branding of critical analyses as de facto conspiracy theories is used to stigmatise the speaker and thereby bring the discourse to a standstill, even if the theory is correct. Read more HERE.
The “climate emergency” is a hoax. More than 1,600 scientists and professionals, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that “There is no climate emergency.” The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from corporate media but people need to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of nations needs to stop. Read more HERE.
Misinformation in the media. Last year the Alliance for Science’s chief lobbyist for GMOs, Mark Lynas, teamed up with two co-authors to publish in a peer-reviewed journal an article that equated people who criticise genetically modified organisms (“GMOs”) with those who spread “misinformation” on climate change, covid, and vaccines. The authors of ‘Misinformation in the media: global coverage of GMOs 2019-2021’ claim that there is a consensus that genetically modified foods are as safe as conventional foods. They dismiss the more than 300 scientists who signed a statement saying there was no such consensus on GMO safety – labelling them “self-proclaimed experts.”
Given the obviously partisan nature of the article, GMWatch was concerned to discover that it was being used to try and shape, if not censor, media coverage in Africa and to pressure African governments to drop their restrictions and bans on GMOs. Read more HERE.
Something weird is happening with the birth rates. We are seeing unprecedented collapses around the world. Climate change fanatics often talk about “overpopulation” and that we need to have fewer children to save the planet, but the fact is that we are facing an underpopulation crisis. Many countries in the West have fertility rates so low that fast forward there will be a population collapse! We need more babies born, not less. Read more HERE.
Using scientific evidence to refute “climate change.” As of July 2023, according to NASA, CO2 levels are approximately 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere or 422 parts per million (“ppm”). What if I told you this is actually one of the lowest CO2 periods? And Earth has easily survived – and thrived – in far higher? CO2 ppm figures from millions of years ago are actually a big problem for government-funded agencies like NASA to “explain away.” However, this all assumes you subscribe to the “CO2 drives climate” narrative – which it doesn’t. Read more HERE.
A 2010 article in the Guardian describes how Bill Gates’ cloud-whitening trials are “a dangerous experiment.” Campaigners say a Bill Gates-backed geoengineering project to whiten clouds and reduce global warming is ‘risky’. A US-based research body, Silver Lining, which has received $300,000 from Gates, is developing machines to convert seawater into microscopic particles to be sprayed into clouds. Read more HERE.
Meteorologists and scientists explain why there is “no climate emergency.” Flawed modelling and overblown rhetoric drowning out scientific reality for the sake of money and power, climate experts say. There’s no climate emergency. And the alarmist messaging pushed by global elites is purely political. Read more in The Epoch Times HERE.
In 2022, HAARP began the largest set of experiments at its new observatory. The number of experiments is the highest so far under a five-year, $9.3 million grant awarded last year by the National Science Foundation to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. Read more HERE.
Smart meters cause fires. Hawaii Electric exploited the impoverished situation of Maui residents due to the 2020 lockdowns to coerce them to adopt smart meters. They targeted the medium to low-income residential areas – the same areas that primarily burned during the Maui fires.
Lahaina in Maui, Hawaii, an area that burned, had smart water meters. Government officials refused to send water, but how exactly did they turn off everybody’s water supply? Smart water meters? Another curiosity: Kihei in Maui, an area that housed an organisation critical of smart meters – Stop Smart Meters Hawaii – also burned.
Utility companies have previously tampered with smart meter fire evidence to cover up the cause of fires. Does all this bother governments? Not the UK government, who threatens a fine of up to £15,000 or imprisonment for those resisting. Read more HERE.
Problem. Reaction. Solution. Wildfires about more than “CO2 induced climate change.” According to media reports, Canada’s experience with wildfires is without precedent. Many, many distraught people who lost their homes look bleakly into the night-time sky and ask the question: Why?
The most available answer to explain the scenario comes up in the universities and corporate media – climate change. But, it should however be pointed out that people have been caught committing acts of arson in many of these forests. And, Peter Koenig says Environmentally Modified Techniques (“ENMOD”) may be causing the extreme weather phenomena that we have been witnessing over the last few years. Read more HERE.
The recent wave of forest fires is not due to climate change but something much more sinister according to Dr. David Martin. Read more HERE.
Cheap wind power myth is blown away. The myth that the UK’s energy bills would come tumbling down thanks to the abundance of cheap offshore wind power has finally been blown to smithereens by the failure of the latest auction for the Contracts for Difference subsidy scheme to attract any bidders.
It is not only the UK where the wind industry is struggling. In the US developers such as Shell and Avangrid are pulling out of contracts to build offshore wind farms. The giant Danish wind company Oersted has lost a third of its market value since warning two weeks ago that it may be writing down its assets. European turbine makers are also in trouble, appearing to have woefully underestimated the costs and problems of building large turbines for operation offshore, where conditions are much more severe. Read more HERE.
G20 vs BRICS: Who is more sustainable? On 23 August 2023, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa released a joint declaration promising that BRICS would pursue Sustainability. Two weeks later, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and more than a dozen other countries published their own joint declaration, vowing that the G20 would do everything in its power to make the world extremely Sustainable.
One of the BRICS nations’ commitments was on the vital importance of addressing climate change. “We agree to address the challenges posed by climate change while also ensuring a just, affordable and sustainable transition to a low carbon and low-emission economy in line with the principles of [the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change],” they said. “We reemphasise the importance of implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement.” Read more HERE.
Climate activists and journalist forcibly ejected from Standard Bank HQ, South Africa, during anti-fossil fuel protest. Speaking to Daily Maverick on the sidelines of the protest, Russell Florence, an Extinction Rebellion activist, said, “We sat [in the reception area] and peacefully made the point that for our future, for our children’s future, we don’t need dirty energy. Read more HERE.
Thousands march in New York to demand that Biden “end fossil fuels.” Four years after Greta Thunberg spoke to a crowd of thousands in New York, demanding world leaders take action on global warming, protesters are at it again. Protesters marched with a specific message for President Biden: it’s time for the US to move away from oil and gas to set the stage for the ‘Climate Ambition Summit’ in New York, hosted by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.
“The march comes after a summer marked by extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change, from historic heat waves in the US, Europe and Asia, to the deadly wildfire in Maui and catastrophic flooding from Brazil to China to Libya,” NPR wrote. Read more as reported by NPRHERE.
Former military chiefs urge the government to develop a defence against climate change. The Australian Government is being urged to come up with a defence plan to protect Australians from their greatest adversary … climate change! “Climate change now poses the greatest threat to our security and the government should be engaging the electorate to build understanding of climate risks and how to respond,” Admiral Barrie said. Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping approved of this message. Read more HERE.
Meet the “climate innovators” of tomorrow. A lot of bright minds are working on solutions to climate change, MIT Technology Review reported. You can find some of them listed HERE. “Carbon capture, tackling demand response on the grid, and building satellites for climate monitoring were just some of the topics this year’s forward thinkers have been working on. But there was a particular concentration in two fascinating areas: batteries and fuels.” MIT’s climate reporter Casey Crownhart has more, read HERE. [Note from RW: I’m sorry these youngsters have been indoctrinated with false science, but I hope their projects will be made redundant soon.]
Promoting a cult, for the “good” of society. Another fifth generation warfare tool of governments, propagandists and intelligence agencies. The Netflix documentary ‘How to Become a Cult Leader’ is a must-watch if, like Dr. Robert Malone, you are still mystified as to how our society, which became so hysterical over covid-19, then managed to pivot 180 degrees to becoming just as hysterical about “climate change science” and “the science of gender ideology” – you know, that new scientific definition of gender as defined by the World Health Organisation. Because we all know the WHO is the global arbiter of health truthiness. Read more HERE.
The official trailer from the documentary describes why people join cults, but it also offers insights into exactly how people can be manipulated.
Netflix: How to Become a Cult Leader Official Trailer, 13 July 2023 (2 mins)
A “whole of government” strategy in Australia. A lot of this ghastly new world order corporate-speak also came from Tony Blair and, his then muse the academic inventor of the “third way”, Anthony Giddens, Paul Collitts wrote when discussing the latest meaningless drivel buzzword “inclusion.”
Collitts noted that Blair was last seen jetting into Canada with Jacinda Ardern and other assorted globalist types for yet another gabfest. Mercifully, there were “shocking scenes” of Ardern being heckled and captured by Rebel News. The event is called the ‘Global Progress Action Summit’. “Shocking footage has captured the moment Jacinda Ardern was heckled on the streets after flying to Canada to attend a climate conference,” Daily Mail reported. Read more HERE.
How BlackRock conquered the world. On 22 August 2019, Larry Fink joined such illustrious figures as Al “Climate Conman” Gore, Chrystia “Account Freezing” Freeland, Mark “GFANZ” Carney, and the man himself, Klaus “Bond Villain” Schwab, on the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees, an organisation which, the WEF informs us, “serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values.” (“But which values are those, precisely?” you might ask. “And what does Yo-Yo Ma have to do with it?”)
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Larry Fink signed BlackRock on to the multi-trillion-dollar scam that is “environmental, social, and governance practices and policies,” better known as ESG. For those who don’t know about ESG yet, they might want to get up to speed on the topic with James Corbett’s presentation earlier this year on ‘ESG and the Big Oil Conspiracy’. Or they can read the summary of the ESG scam by Iain Davis in his article on the globalisation of the commons (aka the financialization of nature through so-called “natural asset corporations.”
How the world is run. Well, David Rockefeller’s list of crises that could trigger a new world order, put together in the 1950s under the Rockefellers’ Special Brothers Fund, were terrorism, pandemics, financial disasters and … climate! There is enough there to be going on with. We have had one of each since 9/11. Remember that global problems require global solutions, as they say (often). And, often, war. Read more HERE.
How the World is Run – Ivor on James Delingpole’s Pod! 15 August 2023 (84 mins)
Will “climate stakeholders” engineer an economic depression to save the planet from “global warming”? The World Economic Forum (“WEF”) and its collaborators believe in upcoming catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate. According to their data, only decisive rapid action can prevent a catastrophic discontinuous climate change. Within their frame of reference, the only sure way to avert it is to engineer an economic depression, which could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 70% within a year. Doing so is surprisingly easy if the WEF controls several large central banks, which is indeed the case. Igor Chudov attempts to understand the thinking and motivations of the World Economic Forum and its allies. Read more HERE.
How do we halt the march of health and climate fascism? The world-government fanatics are in control and their intentions are clear. Consider the “action-orientated aspirations” of the United Nations as they prepare for their 2024 summit, salivating while they dream of “multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow” and “strengthening global governance for both present and future generations.” Read more HERE.
How to survive the climate change Apocalypto. Climate fascism is the real danger. Comparing recent images and events to highlights from the movie Apocalypto, Yuri Bezmenov shows how similar the two are. Read more HERE.