We are manipulated into being divided over issues that would not even be problems if such manipulation did not exist in the first place.
The tactic is simple: keep us arguing with each other over as many issues as possible, so that we never take effective action in our own lives, nor seriously limit the power and influence of those who seek to rule over us with organised campaigns of unified resistance.
The following is the front page of The Light (Issue 40, December 2023) published by The Light Paper. The Light is a people-funded monthly newspaper that can either be read online or printed copies can be ordered for delivery to a chosen address, anywhere in the world.
All Come Together
DIVIDE AND CONQUER: many know of this age-old tactic for winning battles and subduing populations who might not like what you want to do to them. We are manipulated into being divided over issues that would not even be problems if such manipulation did not exist in the first place.
While it is healthy and normal to have differences of opinion and debates over many topics, what we should never do is let them ruin our relationships, and let whatever is the topic of the day become more important than staying on the same side as a fellow struggling human, who is being put upon the same as everyone else by those who rule.
The tactic is simple: keep us arguing with each other over as many issues as possible, so that we never take effective action in our own lives, nor seriously limit the power and influence of those who seek to rule over us with organised campaigns of unified resistance.
Individuals will always fancy trying life in a new country, but the massive one-way immigration from poorer countries into Europe and North America is managed, and purposely designed to cause massive upheaval for both indigenous people and the immigrants themselves.
We’re all being played, along any fault line that can be dreamt up and implemented by those who seek to continue to divide and rule us, forever.
The young have been taught to disrespect and ignore the older generations since World War II, but that is exactly how you destroy wisdom and keep people from advancing. Every old person is a young person who made mistakes and learned from them, but we are led to keep forgetting everything, in order to keep us ignorant, on the hamster wheel, and with no generational progress.
The phoney war between women and men is also hugely divisive, and an illusory deception based on false beliefs. Men and women are not in competition with each other; we are clearly built to work together and complement one another – one being generally better at some things than the other, and vice versa. Any response of indignation that arose in your mind just now to argue was planted there by years of propaganda.
Anyone can compete, and no one should be discriminated against on any grounds other than their ability, but the push for equal rights for women has led to a lot of unhappy women becoming wage slaves, instead of raising happy, healthy children, without whom there is no happy, healthy future.
Collectivism will always be wrong for mankind since we are all such unique individuals. But, again, we do not hate on those who believe that the state, the central banks and the world’s giant corporations are the solution to the problems which those institutions create in the first place.
Our only desire is to show the hidden levers of control, and that there is a better way to view the world – one that allows freedom and opportunity for every one of us, without exception. The divisions between us are not greater than what unites us all against a common and very real enemy that squeezes us dry and nudges our thoughts and therefore behaviours right from birth.
But the enemy is not the politicians, who are put there to give people the illusion of choice. The real owners are the ones who own the money system, and through that, control all banks, corporations and governments. Every institution, including the courts and the police, as well as all broadcast and online media, is under their control.
It is time to start focusing on what we all have in common: a struggle to make sense of the world, find out who we really are and our place in it, and how we can make life better for other people, no matter what race, sex, age, religion or political preference.