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Fluoride In Tea: Black, Green, White, Herbal & More (Search 357+ Teas)

Fluoride In Tea: Black, Green, White, Herbal & More (Search 357+ Teas)

December 28, 2023 by Casey J Krol

Fluoride in tea is one of the most potent and forgotten sources of fluoride.

In fact, some tea has two, three or even six times the amount of fluoride when compared to tap water. Easily putting millions of people around the world over the safe amount of daily fluoride intake.

Fluoride In Tea

Teas such as green, black, white, and oolong – are made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Problem is, when the tea plant grows, it absorbs fluoride from the surrounding soil and stores it in its leaves.

However, since each type of tea is processed differently, fluoride levels vary. For example, black tea is made from older leaves while white tea is made from younger leaves. This is why, on average – black tea contains more fluoride than white tea.

In addition to being a large source of fluoride, 94.9% of the fluoride in a cup of tea is directly available for the body to absorb.1 A possibly deadly addition when combined with other sources of fluoride.

Especially when you consider fluoride in food, where high levels of fluoride may be found in foods people eat everyday like vegetables, chicken, nuts, grains, lentils, and legumes.

Health Effects Of Fluoride

Consuming the wrong tea will greatly increase your chances of developing fluoride toxicity.

For example, in recent years there has been a growing number of skeletal fluorosis cases in the USA among heavy tea drinkers.2 A condition that leads to pain and stiffness in a person’s bones and joints3 and awfully resembles arthritis.

However the effects don’t stop there…

In fact, the most popular health effect is pineal gland calcification. Which is when fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland, calcifies it (pictured above), and causes it to become in/underactive -resulting in less melatonin production. This can result in poor sleep and a host of other health effects.

And if you’re spiritual, fluoride is also known to “close” the “third eye” (the pineal gland) which is said to be the gateway to spirituality, seat of the soul, and act as a connection to God.

How Does Fluoride Get Into Tea?

For a long time I thought ALL tea was healthy.

Now I’m sure tea was healthy many years ago, specifically before mass pollution.

For example, before the world’s air and soil was polluted, the tea plant would absorb all the healthy substances in its environment (getting the great reputation it has). But now, with soil and rain/ground water high in fluoride due to pollution, the tea plant unfortunately absorbs dangerously high levels of fluoride and many other toxins.

In addition, since soil quality varies from country to country and even within a country, it’s not as easy as telling you to stay away from tea grown in a specific part of the world.

Cough, Cough, China

Which is why the only true answer to this problem is to test every single tea for fluoride. However, before we get to the test results of 357+ teas, there is one more thing you should know.

Fluoride Content Equals Quality Of Tea

Higher quality teas have lower levels of fluoride.

This is because teas with high levels of fluoride tend to contain low amounts of antioxidants. In fact, the increase in fluoride is proportional to the decrease of amino acids and flavonoids.4

For example, mature tea leaves have the lowest antioxidant levels and since they’ve been soaking up fluoride from the soil the longest, they also have the highest fluoride content. While young tea leaves have the most antioxidants and lowest levels of fluoride.

Tea Type

Age of Leaves

Fluoride Content





oxidized after harvest for unique flavors




not oxidized, preserves healthy substances like flavonoids, catechins and polyphenols



high/ medium

oxidized half way between green and black tea


young + buds

medium/ low

more antioxidants than green, black or oolong teas


not made from tea leaves

low/ none

made from dried fruit, flowers, roots, spices, and herbs

So overall, looking at how much fluoride a tea contains can be used as a good indicator of its quality – the more fluoride, the less antioxidants, and thus the lower the quality.

Tips On Using The Fluoride Tea Table

To help you navigate through the 357+ teas found in the fluoride-tea table, here are 5 very useful and important tips…

Use the search bar to look up a specific brand or flavor of tea.

2) Sort Fluoride Content In Tea From High or Low

By clicking on “Fluoride (ppm)” once, you’ll sort the fluoride content in tea from low to high.

While if you click on it two times, the ranking of fluoride content will show from high to low.

3) Sort Teas By “Type”…

Clicking on “Type” will allow you to search through fluoride in tea based on the type of tea. Which includes: black, green, herbal, oolong, pu-erh, rooibos, and white tea.

4) Sort Through Teas That Are Approved…

By clicking on “Approved?” and then selecting ‘YES”, you’ll be able to see which teas are approved by Truth About Fluoride. Being approved means the tea is safe in regards to fluoride and does not contain any other dangerous ingredients (more on this later).

5) Combine ALL The Tips Together…

For example, let’s say you’re looking for a new herbal tea that is approved and low in fluoride.

To do this, first click on type and select “Herbal“, then click on “Fluoride (ppm)” once to sort from low to high and lastly, click on approved and select “YES“.

Now let’s get to the table…

Fluoride In Tea Table (Search 357+ Teas)

This table is continuously updated.

So if you do not find the brand you’re looking for, reach out to me and I’ll try my best to get it tested for you. But most importantly, share this article with your friends and family by using the blue sharing buttons found at the start or end of the article.

Considering how much fluoride is in tea, you might save or improve someone’s life.

Each tea was steeped for 5 min with 245 ml of filtered water*

6 Things To Know About Fluoride In Tea

1. Steeping Tea For Too Long?

After testing 357+ teas, I was curious to see what would happen to fluoride content if tea was steeped for an extra 5 minutes (10 minutes total).

So I tested 100 teas again.

After steeping teas for 10 minutes, fluoride content increased by an average of 12%.

However this varied from tea to tea, with the highest increase reported at 60% and the lowest at 0%. So yes, it’s true that the more you steep your tea, the more fluoride goes into your water. However, if you decide to steep your tea for less, you’ll also get less healthy substances.

A problem with a simple solution…

Get a quality and safe tea that you can steep for as long as you want. This will give you great peace of mind, as the 30 herbal teas that were steeped for 10 minutes remained at 0.0 ppm.

2. Type Of Tea Matters A Lot

After testing 357+ teas it’s safe to say…

Not all teas are equal.

For example, if you take a look at the average amount of fluoride found in various types of teas. You’ll see that black tea ranks with the highest levels, while herbal tea is essentially fluoride-free.

So if you want to play it safe and smart, I’d stick to the types of teas that are known to accumulate low levels of fluoride and toxins in general. Also keep in mind, just because the average fluoride levels in black tea is 1.8 ppm. It’s common many brands are well above that, reaching double or even triple the amount…

3. Does Organic Tea Have Fluoride?

You may be thinking, if a tea is organic it might not contain a toxic substance like fluoride.

But the truth is, it does not matter…

In fact, when it comes to green tea. On average, organic tea would actually contain more fluoride than non-organic green tea. And to my surprise, out of all the green teas I tested – the one that contained the most fluoride was organic.

So I’m not saying don’t buy organic. On average, organic products will contain less toxins. But when it comes to fluoride, it’s not a factor.

4. Teas With The Highest Fluoride Levels

If you take a look at all 357+ teas tested for fluoride, the clear winner with the highest levels of fluoride was black tea. Out of the top 15 teas, 14 of them were black tea with the other one being green.

So if you’re trying to avoid the toxin we know as fluoride, black tea should be a strong pass.

5. There’s More You Should Worry About Than Fluoride

Fluoride is bad enough.

But it does not stop there…

Let’s put it this way, if a tea contains fluoride, what else do you think the tea plant could have absorbed from the polluted soil? Pesticides, lead, or maybe a sprinkle of arsenic?

Point is, if we find fluoride in tea, as we’ve seen today. It’s not unreasonable to assume high levels of other contaminants is a possibility. Making it more important to choose a tea that does not absorb toxins from the soil.

So it’s best if you go with a herbal tea.

But not only that, you should keep an eye out for other unhealthy ingredients such as “natural flavors”. In fact, there’s nothing natural about “natural flavors” – as there can be up to 100 chemicals in a single natural flavor.5 This is just a way of brands tricking you into liking their tea and taking shortcuts instead of focusing on quality ingredients.

6. Avoid Using And Drinking Tap Water

I think this should go without saying…

Avoid fluoride in tap water!

All of the numbers above for fluoride in tea were with fluoride-free water, now imagine how dangerous that would be to someone’s health if they added an additional 0.7 ppm of fluoride (average fluoride content in North American tap water).

And how you do this is up to you…

You can use bottled water without fluoride (link to where you can search the fluoride levels of 298+ brands) OR the more wallet-friendly and convenient option of using a fluoride water filter (link to my guide on choosing a water filter).

IMPORTANT: if you have a water filter or plan on getting one, you should know many brands LIE about removing fluoride. So to avoid getting tricked, I will send you the test results of 40+ filters. And all you have to do is enter your email below and I’ll send it to you right away.

Enter your email below to receive fluoride test results on 41+ water filters + my top picks!

This way you know which brands are lying and which ones are not.

For instance, everyone thinks reverse osmosis filters can remove fluoride but this depends on the quality of the system… I’ve seen plenty of reverse osmosis systems that could only remove a fraction of fluoride.

This is even worse when it comes to water filter pitchers but I’ll leave that for you to read.

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that tea is the leading source of fluoride worldwide.

To add insult to injury, most people use tap water that contains fluoride to brew their tea, putting millions of people at great risk. With this in mind, it’s hard to believe this is the first time in history that the true levels of fluoride in tea were exposed and tested in large amounts.

But I’m not surprised another person or organization has not done such a thing before, as it takes thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to do so.

This should be the responsibility of the government. Yet the government not only let’s teas with deadly levels of fluoride to be sold in stores, it also puts the classified neurotoxin into your water.6

Either way, it was a pleasure to be the one bringing you this information.

And the only thing I ask in return is for you to share this information with family and friends. Most people, if not close to all, have no clue tea could contain such high levels of fluoride.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is There Green Tea Without Fluoride?

Out of all 357+ teas tested, there are no green teas without fluoride. However, I am currently in the process of testing “higher quality” green teas from all over the world. So make sure to sign up to my email list to get the most up to date updates.

2. Does Chamomile Tea Have Fluoride?

Chamomile tea does not contain fluoride. In fact, all 12 chamomile teas tested contained 0.0 ppm of fluoride. Which is a common theme for all herbal teas.

3. I Can’t Find The Answer To My Question?

Feel free to message me using the contact buttons found in the author box below. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.



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