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You are a slave because since 1540 and the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III of the same year, whenever a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued by the state at birth or church, the parents have knowingly or unknowingly gifted, granted and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” Cestui Que Vie Trust owner by Roman Cult, who has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since, managed by the Temple Bar since 1540 and subsequent Bar Associations from the 19th Century representing the reconstituted “Galla” responsible as Grim Reapers for reaping the souls, or salvage also known as "salvation of souls".

Therefore under the UCC Slave Laws which most slave plantations of the world operate you can never own a house, even though they trick you into believing you do; you never really own a car, or boat or any other object, you only have the benefit of use. 

Indeed, you do not even own your own body, which is claimed to have been lawfully gifted by your parents at your birth in the traditions of old slave contracts in which the slave baby had its feet or hands dipped in ink, or a drop of blood spilled on the commercial transaction document we know as the live birth record, against which a CUSIP number is issued and sold to the central bank.

Yes, the banks claim your flesh, the banks are indeed the modern day slave owners, hiding these indisputable facts upon which their money system is built from the people.

You may not realize you are a slave under the slave laws of Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC), but may still erroneously believe you are a slave with “more rights” as used to be afforded under “Common Law” until it was largely abolished back in 1933, without properly telling you. 

The word “common” comes from 14th Century Latin communis meaning "to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation". The word was created from the combination of two ancient pre-Vatican Latin words com/comitto = "to entrust, commit" and munis = "burden, public duty, service or obligation". 

In other words, the real meaning of common as first formed because of the creation of the Roman Trust over the planet is the concept of “voluntary servitude” or simply “voluntary enslavement".

Common Law is nothing more than the laws of “voluntary servitude” and the laws of “voluntary slavery” to the Roman Cult and the Venetian Slave masters. 

It is the job of the overseer slaves to convince you that you are not slaves.  The Common Law still exists and has not been largely abolished and replaced with commercial law, to confuse you, to give you false hope. 

In return, they are rewarded as loyal slaves with bigger homes to use and more privileges than other slaves.

The reason why the overseer slaves such as judges, politicians, bankers, actors and media personalities are forced to lie and deny we are all slaves is because the slave system of voluntary servitude or “common law” was not the first global slave system, but merely its evolution. 

Before the emergence of Common Law, we were all subject to being considered mere animals or things under Canon Law of the Roman Cult, also known as the Law of the Sea, or Admiralty Law.

Under Admiralty Law, you are either a slave of the ship of state, or merely cargo for lawful salvage. Thus in 1302 through Unam Sanctam, the Roman Cult unlawfully claimed through trust, the ownership of all the planet and all living "things" as either slaves, or less than slaves with things administered through the Court of Rota. 

This court, claimed as the Supreme Court of all Courts on the planet, was initially abolished in the 16th Century only to be returned in 1908 under Pope Pius X as a purely spiritual ecclesiastical court of 12 "apostolic prothonotary" spirits, implying the twelve apostles. 

Since then, this new purely spiritual court has remained in constant "session," with the local courts using these powers to administer Divine Immortal Spirits expressed in Trust into Flesh Vessels as mere dead things.

Yet this is not the only form of slave law still in force today. Instead, the oldest, the most evil and based on false history are the slave laws of the Menasheh, also known as the Rabbi through the unholy document of hate first formed in 333 known as the Talmud of the Menasheh- the false Israelites. 

Through the Talmud of the false Israelites, the whole planet is enslaved with the servants of the “chosen people” known as Caananites or K-nights (Knights) and then the rest as the goy/gyu and goyim – namely meaning the cattle, the dead lifeless corpses.

Ultimately, you are a slave because you remain profoundly influenced by your education and community at large and because many choose to continue to think and act like a slave, waiting for someone to help them, tell them what to do and be happy accepting bread crumbs of benefits when the system has reaped millions of dollars - yes millions of dollars - of your energy.


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