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Intel Drop #51 - Obsidian Social Credit & CBDC Update

"There is going to be a narrative twist, something that somehow convinces people USDR is good, or a type of sound money."

Intel Drop #51


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I thought we could begin tonight by talking about some of the new changes in Obsidian, then I can move on to some other questions. Does that sound OK?


Gideon: "Yes, proceed."


Bill: Some of our recent Intel Drops have gotten into a lot of other subjects, and we haven't talked as much about Obsidian. You have a lot of new things to report. What's the status now of its planned launch?


Gideon: "Many of the peices are in place for it to be launched globally. We can see news items indicating Digital ID programs all over the world being slowly rolled out. This is what is called an 'inoculation' period, whereby the public is slowly introduced to new concepts."


Bill: One thing that people don't realize is these things are already in place in a lot of countries, definitely China, but it's all over, some in Africa, Russia, there's some going on in Australia and New Zealand. It's actually happening.


Gideon: "It is all over. If you travel the world, you see it everywhere."


Bill: Vietnam has some new digital ID thing they're doing, which upset me, because I used to go there. 


Gideon: "Yes, they are launching one."


Bill: It's all connected to Obsidian?


Gideon: "It is. Again, these are pilot programs. Eventually, it will all be placed under a type of umbrella, worldwide system, but we believe that will not be officially acknowledged for some years to come."


Bill: Well, we know the actual date of Obsidian's launch, maybe you can give the readers a hint.


Gideon: "It will be fully activated and online in 2025."


Bill: Once it's online, that's when we've talked about how the social credit system, how USDR will be online, how the internal ranking system will be activated. What will the average person notice once it's online?


Gideon: "All of our intel indicates it is going to activate via your existing banking app, and bank debit card. The apps you use online, which are mostly accessed via smart phones, will show new social credit sections. It will be rolled out slowly. It will be announced via various updates, as right now, many banks are issuing updates constantly, you may have noticed. 


It is expected a new account section for USDR will appear. It may appear with the monthly allotment of $1,000 USDR for many people, but we do not know the exact number. Many are expected to welcome it as a pleasant surprise. Eventually, they will learn there are strings attached to it. Meanwhile, fiat will begin unwinding as a worldwide economic collapse ensues."


Bill: We're learning more about what they're doing with Sovereign status, it's going to expand into some new tiers. Can you get into that?


Gideon: "Yes. Sovereign status is being upgraded, in a certain respect. It is not unexpected. The cabal wants certain benefits conveyed to their members through Sovereign status. We are informing our team of those changes as we learn more."


Bill: It's beneficial for our team, right?


Gideon: "Yes. We benefit by virtue of the fact we are Sovereign status in Obsidian, and the cabal wants Sovereign status to benefit them. Anything the cabal does to benefit themselves, we will benefit. The key is that we resist any temptation to enjoy those benefits once it is online, instead of fighting against the system. Our team understands this."


Bill: We talked in the past about how all of this would play out, and early on, it looked like it would be a much more forceful, top-down, totalitarian implementation. Over time, the whistle blowers and some of your sources said it would be a slower rollout. Where do you stand now on that?


Gideon: "The cabal aligned two pathways forward, fascism or false awakening. We now await what they will choose. They have given themselves both options, and the public is prepped and ready for each.


In the case of fascism, all means are available to the cabal to eliminate and neutralize a resistance. They have extremely advanced technology, particularly drone tech, that can eliminate targets. It will not only be put down, it will lead to mass demoralization, once the resistance realizes they have no chance to winning. 


In the second case, in the case of false awakening, which is the direction I see things going now, the public will follow leaders like Trump and Musk straight into the pits of Hell without realizing it."


Bill: Well, it's like the cabal really likes to get people to agree to all of their evil, rather than forcing it, is that right?


Gideon: "They wanted to enforce it during Covid, but I believe, based on some of my sources, that midway through the Covid scam, the cabal changed focus. They began to allow disseminating views to proliferate. Eventually, they backed off Covid, and even backed off the vaccines.


It was a stunning change and reversal. If you were living through the year 2020, by the end of that year, you would believe long-term lockdowns and forced vaccines were on the horizon, but that did not quite happen."


Bill: Yeah, if we look back at some of the Intel Drops, I can see how your own intel was changing. 


Gideon: "Because the cabal was changing their approach. Again, it goes back to A.I., we think their A.I. advanced to a point it began to make unilateral decisions based on realtime data fed into it from the totality of the social networks. The A.I. is actually changing the cabal plan probably day by day at this point. 


We are seeing some incredible shifts in narrative during the U.S. presidential election right now, where I think an intelligent observer can see A.I. creating narratives on the fly, to illicit extreme emotional responses."


Bill: Right, it's amazing, one day Trump's winning, the next day Kamala's winning, it's going back and forth. It's the most insane election in history, because it's just unhinged. I wonder if Kamala even has real support, though. All the real support seems to be for Trump.


Gideon: "Trump is winning, not by a wide margin, but he is winning and his gains are increasing. They know this."


Bill: Let's get back to Obsidian. This is a big change from a few years ago. We saw what was coming, with the drones, the A.I., the lockdowns, the vaccine measures, the push for total control, then it let up. It did let up. It's still there, but the cabal isn't forcing it, it's a drip of stuff now.


Gideon: "Certainly, they could enforce it, and they would have to then eliminate certain threats, like us. Instead, something changed. I believe it has to do with the food dusting with the nano particles. That operation, once completed, is when we saw the major shift. The cabal must know something. They must know the nano dust will eliminate the need for a top-down, forceful implementation of Obsidian, or fascism."


Bill: I just want to add that tons of sources have confirmed there's nano dust in the food and in the blood of everyone. It's just confirmed everywhere. Anyone denying it now just can't accept reality.


Gideon: "It has been confirmed over and over, I agree."


Bill: There's this activation with Starlink. So, something's going to happen to all of us, and I'm guessing we're going to fall into line.


Gideon: "There is an expectation the activation will make people more compliant, but I do not think it is that simple. It is something beyond that."


Bill: In what way?


Gideon: "A deceptive spiritual shift. I believe the cabal may pretend some kind of awakening has taken place, a false awakening, and people will think they somehow won a false battle. They may find themselves using Obsidian and believe it is not the Beast, but instead, a system promoted by Elon Musk, for example, that is for the good of everyone. Somehow, the nano dust plays a role in completely destroying people's ability to discern from a spiritual perspective."


Bill: I see what's going on with Alt Media, and now I believe that could happen, because people are so stupidly following around all of these gatekeepers. We've shown they're all Sovereigns in Obsidian, or trying to get that status.


Gideon: "The Alternative Media is highly controlled by the cabal. To find legitimate sources, you need to find small video channels with just one or two hundred views per video, talking about subjects similar to what we are talking about. If you go to the bigger channels, you are going to get something filtered between truths and half-truths, because almost all of them are compromised, or being fed false info."


Bill: The agents are easy to spot, they're usually more aligned with the Left or they were pro-vaccine during Covid. I'd never listen to or trust any of them, but it's the ones who are in the Alt Media who are much more dangerous, because people get sucked into that.


Gideon: "It is precisely why the cabal has put so many resources into taking over Alt Media. It is a powerful tool of deception, to control the opposition."


Bill: Let me ask you, is someone like The Crowhouse compromised? I forget his name, he's an older gentleman from Australia who moved to Mexico. He was really against the Covid scam.


Gideon: "I do not know him well enough, but I do believe I know who you are talking about. If am I correct, he is working with Clif High, is he not?"


Bill: Let me check. [Conversation pauses]. Ok, his name's Max Igan, here's his Bitchute channel.


Gideon: "Yes. He is aligning himself with gatekeepers, possibly unknowingly."


Bill: You don't think he's a Sovereign or cabalist?


Gideon: "I do not know for sure. I would say no, based on initial observation. There are many in the Alt Media who are not cabalists, but they are in contact with cabalists in Alt Media who help promote them. So, they align themselves with agents and cabalists without realizing it, and become compromised in doing so. They are tempted by the fact many bigger personalities and channels can help promote their content, so they are lured in by that."


Bill: We've been attacked, ignored, dismissed from the start. The Alt Media basically refused to cover us early on, that's when I knew something was wrong. I see these same people pick up and promote all kinds of stories, but they refused to carry ours.


Gideon: "If something is shown without resistance, without being attacked, then you should doubt it. The cabal does not allow real truth to come out without it being attacked or censored in some way."


Bill: I'm going to shift gears here. I'm checking my notes here, so I don't forget, you talked a lot about a group that's going to release information. Something did happen, which I asked you about. Do you want to get into this?


Gideon: "Yes, and no. There is an internal conflict going on with that."


Bill: What's going on?


Gideon: "A disagreement. I will simply state I am no longer participating."


Bill: Why not? Can you give any details?


Gideon: "I will try to provide some context. I want to state that I do support everything they are doing. I simply had a disagreement with an individual they brought on board their own team. He is someone I worked with a long time ago. I advised them not to bring him aboard."


Bill: Why do you have a problem with him?


Gideon: "I worked with him, and I have strong reservations about him."


Bill: Who is he?


Gideon: "Former intelligence. Former dark ops. He did work for the cabal, but so did I. He claims to have changed, much like I did. He has been working against the cabal for years. I simply do not trust him at all. My guide also advised me not to trust him."


Bill: You told this group this and they didn't agree?


Gideon: "They listened and took my advisement under consideration, but I can see he is still involved and I have said I will not be involved if he is involved."


Bill: What's been your contribution to this group so far? 


Gideon: "I have done some work bringing them up to speed on how agents operate, and what they can expect in terms of how they will be attacked. I advised on security procedures, too."


Bill: How much do you want us to share what they're doing on our end?


Gideon: "We should discuss that off-record."


Bill: Ok. Do you plan to keep your distance with them going forward?


Gideon: "We do not have an official relationship. With that said, I do wish them well, and I will be involved in monitoring their progress. My door is still open to help them, and I have communicated that to them, but I also have conditions."


Bill: Conditions?


Gideon: "The individual who I mentioned who is working with them needs to be completely removed before I will participate in anything they do."


Bill: Do you think this guy could harm them? Do you think he's an infiltrator? Does this call into question their judgment?


Gideon: "Well, you have to understand, this group is not run by one person, or necessarily a leader. It is a committee, more or less. So, decision making is made by probably at least a dozen people.


My issue is that one of those people seemed to have too much influence, and they brought this ex-colleague of mine on board, and I had disagreements over that. I felt their coaliation, so to speak, needed to speak up and override that decision.


So far, they have not. I hope that they will. I continue to communicate to them about this, and push them on this, because I do want to support them. Everything they are doing is extremely positive."


Bill: Do you think this ex-colleague of yours is a cabalist? 


Gideon: "I do not know. I simply do not trust him. I have my reasons, which I have shared with them."


Bill: What's he bring to the table that makes him so important?


Gideon: "A lot of expertise and connections, and he appears closely connected to one of the individuals within this coalition, or committee. He is close to them, and they are vouching strongly for him."


Bill: Do you think the person vouching for him is a cabalist, or infiltrator? 


Gideon: "No, not at all. That person is very qualified to be part of that group. I do trust them, but on this point, I have told them point blank they are wrong to trust my ex-colleague, and they did not listen to me. I was deeply disappointed in that."


Bill: Ok, I don't want to spend too much time on that. That reminds me of something, we need to take a break here and discuss something. [Conversation pauses.]


Gideon: "Go ahead, Bill."


Bill: Alright. We talked about re-opening applications to join our team. You've signed off on it, and Michael's prepared the form. Should I post that now?


Gideon: "Yes."


Bill: Ok, if someone wants to join us, they should use this form. How many people are we looking to get on to our existing team? I mean, what have the whistle blowers agreed to?


Gideon: "No more than a few. There are a lot of risks in doing this, more risks than in the past, so the whistle blowers will proceed with caution."


Bill: Do you expect we'll keep this open for a while, or just a week or two?


Gideon: "It will depend on who applies. We are looking for exceptional people. We will need to do additional screening. There are still agents and threats. I know you have received extremely hateful and threatening emails recently, so there are always agents monitoring us."


Bill: I have. I delete most without reading, at this point, it's just invective, hatred, threats. There's no point in wasting time, I know it's agents, I know it's the cabal. It's sickening, though. If people knew what really went on behind the scenes, I think they would empathize more with us, but people don't get it. 


Gideon: "Bill, I have told you, we are not here for the public or to convince anyone. We are here offer a warning, the truth, to get the whistle blowers' story out, and ultimately, prepare to fight Obsidian.


To believe we would not come under attack would be to believe our mission had no weight, purpose and posed no threat to the cabal. It very much does pose a threat."


Bill: Can I ask what this group thinks of what we're doing? Can they support us in any way? Do they have people who we can utilize?


Gideon: "That is a good question. They know exactly what we are doing, and they know about Obsidian. Since I met with many members of their group, I was able to make some connections, yes. They can help, but it will be informally. I also believe the cabal is much more worried about their group than ours. The cabal believes our group will simply fold and do nothing once Obsidian comes online, because that is the easier path."


Bill: One question I had, is do you think this group will give our team access to their tech? Maybe more of a direct access than other people will get, so they help us?


Gideon: "That has been discussed, yes."


Bill: Good, because I think it could help us.


Gideon: "There is no question it can, so it has been discussed."


Bill: I'm going to just close things with some thoughts on this false awakening, because it concerns me a lot, I see it playing out. How will Obsidian be accepted by the same people cheering on Elon Musk? 


Gideon: "Between financial collapse, and Obsidian offering free USDR, many will compromise their own ethics for that. There is also going to be a narrative twist, something that somehow convinces people USDR is good, or a type of sound money.


We think the cabal may suggest USDR is backed by gold or precious metals, even if it is not, they will just claim it is, and if Musk says it is, people will believe it. That may by the trick that gets people on board. I have seen things that would suggest that."


Bill: I could see that working, I could really see that. That's a major deception, if people fall for that.


Gideon: "I expect they would."


Bill: The Starlink nanodust activation comes into all this, so once that happens, I'm feeling like everyone will just go along with everything.


Gideon: "That is why the antidote is key. Without it, even you or me may be susceptible to acquiesce to all of this evil."


Bill: It's absolutely key. [Conversations pauses.] I'm going to let you go here, I know you have get going. Thank you for another enlightening conversation, and for providing this to the public.


Gideon: "It is always good to converse with you. Have a good evening. We will speak again soon. God bless, and God bless our team. I pray for all of our protection."


Bill: So do I. God bless. 


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