Pilot projects for a vaccination passport are commencing in five European countries next month.
Officially called the European Vaccination Card, it is claimed that it aims to “foster informed decision-making on vaccination, and improve continuity of care across the EU” but is a stepping stone for mandatory vaccinations. And it is connected to large financial interests that have plans to limit personal and national sovereignty.
The European Vaccination Card (“EVC”) is a digital or printed card that aims to consolidate all vaccination data for a person in one easily accessible location. It is a key tool introduced by the European Union’s EUVABECO project.
The EVC will store a person’s vaccination history, including dates, vaccine types and dosages. It will enable seamless transfer of vaccination records across countries, making it easier for people to travel and receive vaccinations while abroad. The card’s QR code will be validated by healthcare professionals, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the vaccination data.
The EVC will leverage the Global Digital Health Certification Network (“GDHCN”), a certification network managed by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), to ensure the authenticity of digital vaccination records. This network was developed during the covid-19 pandemic for the EU Digital Covid Certificate and has since been expanded to support other digital health certificates.
Funded by the European Commission’s EU4Health programme, the European Vaccination Beyond Covid, or EUVABECO, project is expected to launch pilot projects on 1 September 2024 and conclude on 28 February 2026, according to Rīga Stradiņš University Research Portal.
Last month, Vaccines Today, an online platform for discussing vaccines and vaccination, published an article about the EVC:
As Europe transitions from emergency measures to long-term covid-19 management, there is a critical opportunity to strengthen resilience and increase preparedness for future health threats. The European Vaccination Beyond Covid-19 (EUVABECO) project seeks to leverage this momentum by initiating pilot projects to develop and test implementation plans for tools that support both routine and crisis vaccination practices
One key tool that EUVABECO will introduce is the European Vaccination Card (EVC). Scheduled for launch in September 2024, the EVC will initially be piloted in five pilot countries: Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal. The card aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location. It will be available in various formats, including printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones.
Developed during the Covid-19 pandemic for the EU Digital Covid Certificate, the GDHCN is now managed by the World Health Organisation, enabling the authenticity of digital vaccination records to be ensured
In addition to the EVC, EUVABECO is creating plans for several other innovative tools: a clinical decision system that provides vaccination recommendations, a screening tool to identify and invite vulnerable populations, an electronic Product Information Leaflet (e-PIL) to enable the transfer of vaccines across countries without having to repackage them, and a modelling and forecasting tool to assess the impact of public health interventions.
By leveraging the lessons learned from the covid-19 pandemic and fostering innovation in vaccination management, Europe is taking crucial steps toward a more resilient and health-secure future.
European Vaccination Card will be piloted in five countries, Vaccines Today, 22 July 2024
‘It’s About Your Money’: New EU Vaccination Card Will Be Used to Control Access to Banking, Other Services
The following are excerpts from an article published by The Defender on 8 August 2024 relating to an episode of ‘The Defender In-Depth’. You can read the full article HERE.
Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst joined ‘The Defender In-Depth’ this week to discuss the European Union’s (“EU”) plans for a European Vaccination Card (“EVC”), the plan’s similarities to the EU’s Digital Covid Certificate, the global push toward digital ID and implications for health and medical freedom.
The card purports to “foster informed decision-making on vaccination, and improve continuity of care across the EU” and “aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location.”
While the objectives of the programme, set to be implemented throughout the EU by 2026, appear benign, critics argue the EVC is a stepping stone for mandatory vaccinations in the future. Some also argue the EVC is connected to large financial interests and plans to limit personal and national sovereignty.
For Terhorst, efforts to launch the EVC are, at their root, “about digital ID.”
“You get a digital ID where all your vaccination records are stored … All your personal details are stored in one place, and you can move it easily from one country to another without having to redo or reapply … So basically, it’s about a digital ID, and then a link from your personal ID to your medical records on vaccination,” she said.
Terhorst said that while the idea of having one’s medical records easily accessible and transferrable sounds benign, “The plan is to get everybody vaccinated and to kind of overrule constitutional rights.”
Terhorst said that the EVC and the EU’s digital vaccination certificate are “presented as different programmes,” with the EVC being “rebranded as something completely different and completely new” – even though they are both based on “the same software,” she said.
“They’ve been working on it for years and years and years. And it works perfect, and it’s all linked together like the banking infrastructure, the personal medical records, insurance, everything links into each other,” Terhorst said.
The EVC is based on the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) Global Digital Health Certification Network, which the EU and WHO co-launched in June 2023 to promote a global interoperable digital vaccine passport, based on the EU’s digital health certificate.
Noting that plans for the EVC were launched in 2018, before the covid-19 pandemic, Terhorst said, “This plan is not new. It has been in the making for a very long time.”
Terhorst also connected the plans to launch the EVC with the amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, passed in June at the World Health Assembly.
The amendments contain articles that “allow states to enforce medication on anybody during a crisis or emergency or pandemic,” she said. “It doesn’t say that it has to be done, but it gives this permission.”
Terhorst said prominent financial interests are behind the public health rhetoric promoting initiatives such as the EVC.
She referenced recent remarks by Catherine Austin Fitts, founder and publisher of the Solari Report and former US assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who told The Defender the EVC represents “another step toward asserting control of labour and travel, with a goal to controlling resources and assets.”
“The goal is financial control,” Fitts said. “There is no legitimate public health purpose. The central bankers are hiding behind a health narrative – policies like lockdown are a way to manage inflation and resource demand when monetary policy is highly inflationary.”
“It’s one big conglomerate which is ruling the world, and it’s this conglomerate which wants a change of the financial system,” Terhorst said. “And the change they want to have is that they can decide how much money you have in your own bank account with the CBDC,” central bank digital currency.
“So basically, and this is I think very important for everybody to realise, it’s not about health, it’s about your money,” Terhorst said. “They want to make you into a kind of minion as somebody who’s not having real rights.”
You can watch Terhorst’s interview with The Defender In-Depth below.
Children’s Health Defense: EU Testing Vaccination Card Programme, 7 August 2024 (62 mins)
If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on CHDTV HERE.
The video on CHDTV also has an option to read the transcript.
Featured image: ‘Really Chilling’: Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card, Children’s Health Defense, 30 July 2024