In August 2018, the digital world witnessed an event that would have far-reaching consequences for the field of natural health and the principle of informed choice in medical decision-making. Dubbed the "Great Digital Book Burning," this event marked a significant turning point in the accessibility of information on natural medicine. Google's core algorithm update, later known as the "Medic Update," disproportionately impacted health and medical websites, resulting in a global coverup of natural health information.
The Impact of Google's Medic Update
The Medic Update, as it came to be known, was a core algorithm update that had a profound effect on health and medical websites. According to data collected by Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Roundtable, over 42% of the 300 sites impacted by this update were specifically in the medical, health, fitness, and healthy lifestyle space. This skewed impact raised eyebrows and led to speculation that the update was deliberately targeting the natural health niche. The ramifications were felt worldwide, as websites offering alternative health information saw significant drops in traffic and visibility.
The Consequences for Natural Health Information
The immediate consequence of the Medic Update was the suppression of natural health websites that provided valuable information on alternative treatments and holistic approaches to health. Websites like GreenMedInfo, which is dedicated to providing evidence-based information on natural medicine, were particularly hard hit. The update deprived millions of people of access to information that could help them make informed choices about their health. It also undermined the principle of informed consent, which relies on individuals having access to comprehensive information about the risks and benefits of various treatment options.
The Importance of Informed Choice
Informed choice is a cornerstone of medical ethics, allowing patients to make decisions about their health based on a full understanding of the available options. The suppression of natural health information interferes with this principle, as it limits the public's ability to learn about alternatives to conventional treatments. This is particularly concerning given the growing body of evidence supporting the efficacy of natural and complementary medicine approaches. Peer-reviewed research has increasingly validated the benefits of herbs, foods, vitamins, and other natural treatments, many of which have been used for centuries in indigenous medicine.
The Role of Media and Corporations
Mainstream media, social media platforms, government databases, and corporations have played a significant role in the marginalization of natural health information. These entities often act as gatekeepers, controlling what information is accessible to the public. In the case of the Medic Update, Google's algorithm change served to amplify this effect, making it harder for people to find reliable information on natural health. This suppression is particularly troubling given the high rates of iatrogenic harm from pharmaceuticals and vaccines, which far exceed any adverse effects associated with natural remedies.
A Case Study: The Decline of Natural Health Content
A analysis released by Bob Troia, known as Quantified Bob, reveals how health sites have been decimated by Google from April 2018 to August 2019. Natural health websites saw a drastic decrease in visibility, with GreenMedInfo experiencing an 81.14% drop. Meanwhile, conventional health sites like Mayo Clinic and WebMD saw significant increases in visibility. This stark contrast has led to speculation that the algorithm update was a manually executed penalty targeting the alternative medicine space.
The Historical Context of Censorship
Censorship is not new. From book burnings to modern-day digital suppression, the intent has always been to control the narrative and limit access to dissenting views. Today, Big Tech platforms act similarly by choosing who can and cannot express opinions or exercise First Amendment rights. This was evident when platforms like Pinterest and Mailchimp deplatformed GreenMedInfo for sharing natural health and vaccine-critical content, further illustrating the coordinated effort to suppress alternative health information.
The Call to Action
In light of these events, it is crucial for the public to support independent natural health websites like GreenMedInfo. These platforms provide a necessary counterbalance to the dominant narrative promoted by mainstream media and corporations. By offering evidence-based information on natural health, they empower individuals to make informed choices about their health and well-being. It is also imperative for organizations like Perplexity.AI, which have spread false and defamatory information about natural health advocates, to publish retractions and apologies to restore the integrity of public discourse.
Supporting a Global Resource
GreenMedInfo is a 100% user-supported, ad-free global resource, used by over 200 countries, and has served up answers to over 250,000,000 inquiries since its inception in 2008. To ensure that this vital resource remains available, users can become members for as low as $8 a month and subscribe to the free newsletter here.
The Great Digital Book Burning of 2018 was a stark reminder of the power that corporations and media entities wield over public access to information. By suppressing natural health websites, the Medic Update undermined the principle of informed choice and deprived millions of people of valuable health information. As we move forward, it is essential to defend the accessibility of natural health information and support platforms that promote holistic and evidence-based approaches to health. Only through a commitment to transparency, accountability, and informed choice can we ensure a future where all individuals have the opportunity to make empowered decisions about their health.Â
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1. Barry Schwartz, "Google Medic Update: Google's Core Search Update Had Big Impact On Health/Medical Sites," Search Engine Roundtable, August 8, 2018.
2. Sayer Ji, "Google's Digital Book Burn: Alternative Medicine Content Now Vanishingly Rare, Despite 1 Billion Health Searches a Day," GreenMedInfo, August 25, 2019. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/googles-digital-book-burn-alternative-medicine-content-now-vanishingly-rare-despite-1.
3. Bob Troia, "Google Takes Position in Controversial Vaccine Safety Debate," Quantified Bob, August 25, 2019. https://twitter.com/quantifiedbob/status/1165324987530455040.
4. Joe Cohen, "Google Is Taking Censorship of Health Websites to The Next Level," Self-Hacked, August 2019. https://selfhacked.com/blog/google-censorship/.
5. Joe Graedon, "Is Google Censoring Drug Side Effect Information?" People's Pharmacy, August 19, 2019. https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/is-google-censoring-drug-side-effect-information.
6. John Weeks, "Self-Interested Whims of the Oligarchs: Google and Facebook Kill Access to Alternative and Integrative Medicine," The Integrator Blog, September 10, 2019. https://www.johnweeks-integrator.com/self-interested-whims-of-the-oligarchs-google-and-facebook-kill-access-to-alternative-and-integrative-medicine/.
7. Sayer Ji, "Debunking the CCDH's 'Disinformation Dozen' Report: How Flawed Methodology and Misleading Claims Fuel Misinformation," GreenMedInfo, June 2, 2024. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/debunking-ccdhs-disinformation-dozen-report-how-flawed-methodology-and-misleadin.
8. Monika Bickert, "How We're Taking Action Against Vaccine Misinformation Superspreaders," Meta, August 18, 2021. https://about.fb.com/news/2021/08/taking-action-against-vaccine-misinformation-superspreaders/.
9. Matt Taibbi, "The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine: Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of 'True Stories,'" Substack, May 22, 2023. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-great-covid-19-lie-machine-stanford.