There is ample evidence to show that routine childhood vaccines cause sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, and have done so for decades. Yet that evidence is ignored or suppressed.
In 2011, Dr. Raymond Obomsawin gave a lecture during which he provided several scientific studies to show the harm, including sudden death, that childhood vaccines are causing.
Dr. Obomsawin believed that most cases of shaken baby syndrome are also caused by childhood vaccines. “We see this epidemic of accusations against parents, and there are large numbers of people now in prison, in which they’re claiming they shook their babies and killed them. Most of these parents loved their children and I believe didn’t do it,” he said.
Raymond Obomsawin (1950-2021) was a dedicated researcher who held an MSc and a PhD with a focus on health science and human ecology. He unearthed many of the harms from the widespread vaccination programs such as Canada’s vaccine program in Thailand increasing death and disability for those vaccinated, which was of course never published. You can read more about Dr. Obomsawin’s work HERE.
In a presentation titled ‘Historical & Scientific Perspectives: Immunity, Infectious Disease & Vaccination’ given to the Life Science Seminars International in August 2011, Dr. Obomsawin gave a historical overview of human attempts to create immunity artificially via vaccination; explored the issues surrounding these artificial attempts to protect human health; showed the real causes of some of the more recent health issues; and, how vaccines, among other artificial chemicals and pharmaceutics, cause harmful and, oftentimes, lifelong health damage. He showed, using statistical and historical facts, that vaccines have no positive impact on the decline of disease.
“We will have quite a bit of interesting history to look at. And the history you’re going to be exposed to is very different from what you’ll read in a mainstream textbook because it‘s not talked about. It’s ignored or it’s suppressed,” he said.
Dr. Obomsawin began by speaking about the work carried out by Australian doctor Archie Kalokerinos who authored the book ‘Every Second Child’. Dr. Kalokerinos titled his book ‘Every Second Child’ because when he first became the Director of the Collarenebri Health Centre in the Northern Territory, Australia, the death rate among infants and small children was at about 50%; every second child was dying.
“Over a period of months, he began to investigate why this was happening,” Dr. Obomsawin said. “Finally, after several months of inquiry, he was shocked to discover that the reason behind these deaths was the fact that these malnourished, immune system-deficient children were receiving these mass vaccine campaign programmes sponsored by the government. And if the parents didn’t want to do it, they would force the parents to [make their child] take it.”
Toward the end of his presentation, Dr. Obomsawin spoke more about vaccine harm to babies and children. He began with sudden infant death syndrome (“SIDS”). We have embedded the video below to begin at this point.
In October 2009, autopsy reports of infants in the Austin, Texas, morgue listed as SIDS were examined by two researchers. They wanted to know if there was a correlation between the timing of deaths and prior vaccination.
They found a “highly, disproportionate amount of sudden deaths were occurring at 2, 4 and 6 months [old], the very same time when infants were being routinely vaccinated,” Dr. Obomsawin said.
The researchers concluded that if the vaccines were not causing the infant deaths, then the deaths should have been occurring randomly, spread out throughout the first six months of life. But because the deaths were clustered around the specific ages when vaccinations were given then the vaccines should be considered as the cause of death.
Next, Dr. Obomsawin spoke about a study published in December 2004 authored by Australian Dr. Viera Scheibner.. Using an instrument developed by her husband that monitors stress in an infant’s breathing patterns, she observed that for as long as 21 days after receiving a vaccine, infants would go through periodic stress episodes.
“[She] showed that when they go through these stress breathing episodes, it’s very dangerous because they can actually stop breathing and die,” Dr. Obomsawin said. “[Dr. Scheibner] concluded that these, they call it the non-specific stress syndrome, can be a critical factor in infant deaths. And it was all, they believe, related to the previous administration of the vaccines.”
Dr. Obomsawin then spoke about a paper Dr. Scheibner published in 2001 titled ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis On Shaky Ground’. Dr. Scheibner, in addition to several other doctors such as Dr. Kalokerinos, found that the symptoms of shaken baby syndrome are identical to what happens with vaccines in these infants’ bodies, Dr. Obomsawin said.
“We see this epidemic of accusations against parents, and there are large numbers of people now in prison, in which they’re claiming they shook their babies and killed them. Most of these parents loved their children and I believe didn’t do it,” he added.
“It’s in particular infants who have been delivered with forceps. Because what happens after, a lot of these babies who are delivered with forceps, there is brain damage, slight brain damage and bleeding on the top of their brain as a result of that. And when they receive the vaccine, it causes a much greater release of blood in the brain area which can precipitate death,” Dr. Obomsawin explained.
He then spoke about a book published in 2008 authored by Janine Roberts titled ‘Fear of the Invisible’. Chapter 7 of the book is headed ‘The dangerous impurities of vaccines’.
Roberts met with regulatory scientists in the US National Institute of Health in 1999 to look at the safety of vaccine manufacturing methods, Dr. Obomsawin said and briefly described what Chapter 7 detailed:
“She was shocked at what they found: that there was the chicken leukosis virus in the MMR vaccine when it shouldn’t have been there; that the polio vaccine sometimes contained more monkey viruses than polioviruses; and, there were grave concerns also about foreign residual DNA and RNA [contaminating] these vaccines.
“There was a fear that could be causing autoimmune disorders and cancers … Also, DNA contamination could possibly be linked to the incidence of autism and other serious disorders.”
For the section on SIDS, he ended with a study that was published in 2011 which examined data for 30 countries on infant mortality and vaccine doses. The researchers found that infant mortality rates reduced, or regressed, with fewer vaccine doses that were routinely given.
Amazing Discoveries: Immunity, Infectious Disease and Vaccination | Raymond Obomsawin (2010), uploaded 21 August 2023 (90 mins)
You can find the slides for Dr. Obomsawin’s presentation HERE. If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Amazing Discoveries HERE. It is the first episode in a series of seven titled ‘Science of Life’. You can find all 7 episodes HERE.
Sharing the video above, the Vaccination Information Network provided links to information in support of Dr. Obomsawin’s presentation. The links are no longer available. However, we were able to find archived copies which we have also shown below:
Last year, Canadian emergency room doctor Daniel Nagase wrote about his personal experience regarding the link between vaccination and SIDS in a Substack article. We’ve reproduced Dr. Nagase’s article below as it compliments Dr. Obomsawin’s presentation.
About 20 years ago, when I was in medical school I remember attending a paediatrics lecture at Dalhousie Medical School. What I remember from then was the professor mentioning 3 factors being associated with sudden infant death syndrome (“SIDS”) in North America.
Smokers in the household.
Recent vaccination.
At that time, “Back to Sleep” (making infants sleep on their back), was all there was to prevent sudden infant death syndrome, or so we were taught. Making sure babies had firm bedding and nothing nearby that could smother them was the “best” medical advice of the time. Little did we know that 25 years earlier, Japanese authorities reduced the sudden deaths following vaccination by 90%, by raising the age of vaccination from 3 months to 2 years [1]. In medical school, I had the mistaken belief that protecting our youngest and most fragile patients was the number one priority for doctors and researchers around the world. After the lecture, I believed the link between childhood vaccination and sudden deaths was something that medical science would soon have answers to. I believed until now.
Continuing Medical Education – Not What You Think It Is
One of the means by which medical colleges all over North America maintain control of doctors is through “Continuing Medical Education” or CME. Ostensibly CME is to ensure quality of patient care, a way to keep licensed medical doctors “up to date” and only give patients the most current treatments.
Only “approved” educational programmes are eligible for credit towards a physician’s “Medical Education” requirement for maintaining their licence. So, a physician taking time to read medical research does not necessarily count towards confirmation of continued “medical competence,” unless it is part of an “approved activity” as defined by his local medical board.
In a typical doctor’s life, time is already in short supply, and the effect of having to earn credits to keep one’s licence makes physicians judicious in how they use their time. Four hours spent reading journals versus four hours in an “approved” medical activity has the effect of biasing a physician’s time towards “board approved” education over independent research. Effectively this captures a physician’s ongoing acquisition of knowledge and limits it to medical board “approved” information.
The Betrayal of Society
During my career and almost two decades of approved “Continuing Medical Education,” I never again heard the link between vaccination and sudden infant deaths mentioned.
After that one lecture in medical school, I trusted that the experts, the paediatricians and public health researchers would soon find an answer for us. While I learned about the latest emergency medicine research, how to reduce blood loss in trauma, hypothermia to prevent brain damage, emergency C-sections to save critical pregnant patients, and maintaining and extending my expertise in emergencies, I believed my fellow experts in the paediatric societies and public health would apply their knowledge to get to the bottom of sudden deaths in the most important patient population in society. My expertise in saving their lives if they were dying from trauma, exchanged for their expertise on how to stop dead babies from showing up in my emergency room. That was the social contract, or so I thought.
In my belief, it would have been impossible for two decades of Continuing Medical Education to miss over half a century of data about unexpected deaths following vaccination.
And then I read this:
Miller NZ. Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990-2019 and review of the medical literature. Toxicol Rep. 2021 Jun 24;8:1324-1335. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.06.020. PMID: 34258234; PMCID: PMC8255173.
This landmark research paper was not a part of any medical college-approved “learning activity.” This article actually came across my eyes courtesy of, a mostly social and political news aggregator. Had the knowledge within this paper been applied 20 years ago, while I was still in medical school, or 50 years ago when the problem with vaccines and sudden infant deaths first became widely known around the world, how many infant lives could have been saved?
Had North America done what Japan had done in 1975, how many parents would have been spared the grief of finding their infant dead in the week following vaccination?
The social contract has been broken. My expertise is no longer there to save lives in the emergency department thanks to the suspension of my licence by the British Columbia and Alberta Colleges. Perhaps the consequences of one less emergency room doctor may reach those who have perpetrated over half a century of harm. But many innocents have suffered and will suffer as well. Deaths in the waiting room, long emergency department wait times, and emergency room closures – this has all happened in the province of Alberta where I used to work. The unnecessary loss of life can only be stopped with truth, please share.
[1] Neil Z. Miller. Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature. Toxicol Rep. 2021; 8: 1324–1335.