SECRET SERVICE BEHIND ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT - CONFIRMED ...according to the Real Chief of police: The troops on the ground of the secret service are ok. It is the top that are in the deep state. It was confirmed this morning that they had seen this sniper long before the shots were fired. The head of the service would not give permission to take him out until he had finished his mission.
As soon as the shots were fired the order was given to take him out. The deep state set this up through the corrupt secret service. Trump had better get rid of the secret service. They intend on killing him sooner or later.
Even though it was not Trump, the double is still in danger. There is a lot of speculation that the double used a blood packet to bloody himself. We slowed the video down. It is above. When Trumps double reached for his ear and brought his hand down, I could see no blood on his hand. He did not have blood anywhere until he came up, which would have given him time to smash a blood packet.
It is also speculated that there were event actors just like Ashlee Babbitt of Jan 6th. Was the former Fire Chief an event actor. I could not confirm any of that. There is a go fund me page up that had raised over 1 million dollars the first day.. It may be way over that now.