The Agriculture Poison Lobbyists Won. Chlorpyrifos Was Banned Due To Its Extremely Toxic Affects On Humans. Big Corporations Chemical Manufacturers Fought To Bring It Back & It’s Once Again Being Spra
The Agriculture Poison Lobbyists Won. Chlorpyrifos Was Banned Due To Its Extremely Toxic Affects On Humans. Big Corporations Chemical Manufacturers Fought To Bring It Back & It’s Once Again Being Sprayed On Your Food.
“Federal appeals court overturned the EPA's crucial ban on chlorpyrifos, which is a notorious pesticide attributed to causing irreversible brain damage in children. Countless studies haven't just suggested, but have clearly demonstrated that the neurotoxic character of chlorpyrifos poses significant risk to the development of children's brains, even in microscopic amounts.
This pesticide is so terrible that the EPA aimed to completely ban its usage on both crops that we grow here and crops that we import.
Compared to most of the world, the US is trailing shamefully behind in regulating deadly pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, which has already been banned in Europe.”
America is profits over people and it’s absolutely disgusting. You are LITERALLY being poisoned for profit. This country is backwards.