On Tuesday 5th Sep 2023 the UK Parliament quietly approved a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes and for individual electrical appliances including; fridges, dishwashers, and washers to be fitted with smart functions (Source). The key to smart functionality is that these appliances can be operated externally “in response to load signals” which means that smart meters will soon allow for your energy to be rationed remotely or even cut off completely according to the Smart Tyranny coalition [Source].
Essential Upgrade
We are being put into a position where it will be hard to refuse as the state has plans to force non-compliant residences into having a smart meter installed or face a £15,000 fine. “The replacement of traditional gas and electricity meters with smart meters is an essential national infrastructure upgrade for Great Britain” we are told by the government which is promoting the use of a smart meter as a money-saving device. (source).
This may have enticed the 33 million homes and small businesses in Britain that already have smart and advanced meters installed, but individuals have felt pressured into having them due to relentless overzealous electricity providers who have been working to reach their companies’ “binding annual installation targets” to roll out smart and advanced meters since 2022.
Now their focus is on installing the smart meters in the remaining “non-smart” customers by the end of 2025, which can only mean they will now have to ramp up the pressure for us all to have them against our will.

They Do Not Deliver
Utility companies claim that smart meters deliver benefits to consumers — like access to more data, better services, and cost and energy savings through data analysis. And yet, reports from around the world repeatedly suggest that smart meters aren’t delivering on these promises, failing to make an impact on energy use.
One example, in the Netherlands, consumers are barely saving 1 percent on their energy bill — far under the projected amount.
Catastrophic Health Effects
Failing to deliver benefits is one thing — but smart meter radiation also comes with significant health and safety concerns. Smart meters are responsible for “catastrophic effects” on the health of individuals and animals, surely it is down to the individual to choose to take that risk just to save a few pounds?

Unsurprisingly, the government’s “Smart Meters guide for households” states that in fact there is “no evidence that the meters pose any risk to health” (source). We know there is.
They also claim that radio waves are likely to be “much lower than other everyday devices such as our mobile phones,” Again this is untrue.
Senior Nuclear Policy Lecturer at UCSC, Daniel Hirsch, is reported to have found that smart meters “can emit intense pulses of radiation more than 14,000 times EACH DAY.” has determined that wireless meters emit 100-150 times the radiation of a cell phone, thus, invalidating utility claims that the radiation is insignificant. (source)
That is just with the standard smart meters and reportedly they’re not as bad as smart meters in the narrowband mesh network. These new smart meters have to continuously emit EMF to keep up with the data transfer demands, according to the Sheild Your Body group.
This means we will be constantly exposed to EMF emissions, which can result in a range of health problems (source)
