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The UK government’s war on people aged over 75

Between 100,000 and 250,000 old people will be murdered by the British Government during the winter of 2024/5 – they will die of cold and hunger. And Starmer’s labour government will be responsible, Dr. Vernon Coleman writes.

“Short of forcefully enrolling pensioners in a euthanasia programme, it is difficult to see how much more Starmer and company could do to kill old people,” he says.

Below we have republished two of Dr. Coleman’s recent articles which speak to the plight of our much cherished older generation because of the Labour government’s policies.  Perhaps it is time for us to openly admit that since 2020, the UK Government has declared war, particularly, on those of us who are aged 75 and over.

Between 100,000 and 250,000 old people will be murdered by the British Government during the winter of 2024/5 – they will die of cold and hunger

The murder victims will die of cold and hunger. But Starmer’s Labour Government will be responsible.Governments are desperate to kill as many old people as possible and they’ll do whatever it takes. Politicians know that when thousands of old people were officially murdered during the fraudulent covid scare, the Government saved billions. Politicians actually boasted about the money that had been saved. Politicians killed old people with the covid fraud, the pointless lockdowns, the murderous midazolam injections, the stupid, stupid masks and the toxic and entirely useless covid-19 vaccine. They knew all these things were killing old people.

Starmer’s Government has withdrawn the annual winter fuel allowance which is vital for millions of pensioners. Starmer knows that withdrawing the allowance will kill old people. He is deliberately promoting a policy which he knows will kill thousands. Why hasn’t Starmer been arrested? Seriously, why haven’t Starmer and the rest of the murderous Labour Government been arrested?

Without the fuel allowance, and with oil prices going up massively this autumn, millions of elderly citizens will have to choose between heating and eating. Cutting the winter fuel allowance will save £1.4 billion – a fraction of the sum the UK spends on sending bombs and bullets to help other people kill one another. And a fraction of the sum we spend on illegal immigrants.

Appalling health services (the worst in the world) also explains why life expectancy among the elderly is falling and that is another result of deliberate policies.

Short of forcefully enrolling pensioners in a euthanasia programme, it is difficult to see how much more Starmer and company could do to kill old people. (Is it a coincidence that traditionally older people tend to vote Conservative?)

Starmer’s Government has astonished me in seeming to me to be more corrupt and hypocritical than anything the Conservatives managed to produce in recent years.

Just what other changes are planned is a mystery. It seems possible that widows and widowers may have to pay increased council taxes.

Britain’s 13 million pensioners are clearly fair game for a Government which has billions to waste on supplying Ukraine and Israel with arms (including depleted uranium to Ukraine) and which seems to have untold billions to hand out to doctors, civil servants, railway workers and everyone else in the public sector who demands a big wage rise – despite the fact that most public servants are still refusing to go to work and are being paid to sit at home, watch daytime TV and mess around on social media.

The Government boasts that old aged pensioners in the UK are well off because they receive around £12,000 a year. That’s half the official living wage. And it’s the lowest pension in the world. Retired Members of Parliament and civil servants are rich and enjoy inflation-proofed pensions. The rest of us must struggle on.

But even that £12,000 is a lie.

Pensioners who retired before 2016 don’t get £12,000 a year.

Even if they’ve worked for 40 years and paid taxes and national insurance stamps they receive around £8,000 a year.

That’s what I and older pensioners are expected to live on: £150 a week.

Next year, newly retired pensioners will have a £400 rise in their pension.

But older pensioners, those of us born before 1951 (or in the case of women, before 1953) will have to make do with a £300 rise.

Older people need more warmth.

We oldies feel the cold more.

But the Government pension is much lower for those of us who are older. Older, more vulnerable pensioners receive just two-thirds of the old age pension. The oldest are being targeted because we’re the easiest to kill. And we tend not to demonstrate in the streets, daub paint on buildings or make a fuss.

What possible reason could there be for punishing those over 70s and older – other than it being part of a plan to kill as many of as possible?

I believe killing old people is all part of the Government’s thoroughly evil Net Zero programme – an evil scheme which is designed to destroy you and everything you care about.

Net Zero is a weapon devised to destroy and to enslave.

If you want to know more about what Starmer and Company (and whoever is pulling their strings) are planning then please read Jack King’s amazing new book called `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about.’ You can buy a paperback or an eBook on Amazon for under a fiver.

Freeze or Starve – Older UK Pensioners are expected to live on £8,814 a year

Pensioners who were born before 1951 (or 1953 for women) receive £169.50 a week to live on. Forget the rubbish talked by Labour politicians. Older pensioners do NOT receive £12,000 a year. That’s rubbish. Older pensioners, who have paid 40 years or more of tax and national insurance, now receive £8,814 a year. That’s the full pension for older pensioners. How do I know? Because that’s what I get after working and paying tax and national insurance all my life. No one ever mentions this because it’s shameful and embarrassing.

And out of that a single man or single woman has to pay out the following:

  • £1,168 (average council tax so that council staff can pay themselves huge salaries and pensions)

  • £8,880 (average rent for a one-room flat outside London – don’t even think of a small one-bedroom flat in London)

  • £250 (average house insurance)

  • £795 (average heat and lighting bill)

  • £169.50 (TV licence fee to help towards Gary Lineker’s vast salary – according to the BBC licence fee settlement of July 2015, the BBC was supposed to fund free licences for the over 75s but the BBC decided not to do it so it doesn’t).

Total: £11262.5 – leaving a deficit of £2,448.5Sadly, this means that old aged pensioners (“OAPs”) in their 70s and 80s have to keep working in order to avoid going into debt and to buy food.

The average food bill for a single person surviving on porridge and baked beans is £2,500 a year. So, add that to the deficit of £2448.5 and you will see that the OAP has to find a job that will pay them £4,948.50 (after stoppages). If they aren’t fit enough to work, they will starve or freeze to death.

And if the reckless pensioner has a cup of tea and a bun in a café once a week as a treat that’s another £250 a year.

There is NOTHING left for books, papers, entertainment, meals out, clothes, holidays or transport. NOTHING.

To put all this in perspective, Keir “Free Suits” Starmer grabbed £15,200 worth of freebies a year when he was in Opposition during the last Parliament. That’s £15,200 freebies a year on top of a six-figure salary with a massive House of Commons pension to look forward to.

And now the glum, stone-faced, bureaucratic bastard is leading a Government which is taking away the tiny allowance of a few (but valuable) quid a year to help towards OAP’s winter fuel bills, so that it can buy more bombs and bullets to send to Ukraine so that ministers can look like big shots at the next NATO meeting, and probably help to trigger World War III.

Britain, you’ll be pleased to know has spent £12.7 billion on Ukraine and countless millions on supporting Israel. Just a small chunk of that money would help take British pensioners out of poverty and enable them to eat, keep warm and have a cup of tea and a bun twice a week as a double treat.

Just after Starmer’s deadly victory, new Foreign Secretary David Lammy announced that the UK would give Ukraine billions a year for 100 years. I didn’t see any mention of this in the corporate media. How kind of him it was to commit future generations to supporting Ukraine. Lammy did not vote against the plan to kill pensioners by freezing them to death. But you may remember, from one of my saddest videos, that he did recommend the toxic not very good covid-19 vaccine. Ukraine by the way has alleged links with Nazis. And Lammy recently announced that he is a Zionist.

Just ONE Labour MP (Jon Trickett) had the guts to vote against Starmer’s cash grab from pensioners.

I despair, I really do despair.

The Tory Government was bad enough.

Members of the new Labour Government should be tarred, feathered and driven out of town.

And they’re promising more financial horrors in October, as they continue to pour billions into Ukraine.

You can see why euthanasia is being heavily promoted, can’t you?

Everyone who voted for Starmer should ask for their vote back.

Starmer’s Labour Government is pushing us hard towards Net Zero. Please read Jack King’s book `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’. And also read Jack King’s book `They Want to Kill Us – Here’s How and Why.’

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.


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