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Will you be chosen for euthanasia?

Governments across the world are making preparations for a mass reduction of the world population through euthanasia programmes targeting the frail, disabled and other groups of people considered “useless.”   The UK government is no exception.

In the following, Dr. Vernon Coleman lists the various conditions and traits that officially classify people as disabled in the UK, making them potential candidates for euthanasia. 

He issues a call to action to make politicians, journalists and radio talk show hosts to make them aware of the evils behind the euthanasia agenda.

Governments everywhere have been preparing for the Big Cull for some years. They want to cut the world population down to 500 million. That’s what euthanasia is all about. It isn’t about helping the terminally ill to die with dignity and without pain.Politicians around the world are introducing euthanasia programmes to get rid of the frail, the disabled and the humans they regard as useless.Back in 2010, the British Government changed the legal definition of disability. You may think that like pornography you will recognise disability if you see it. You’d almost certainly be wrong.Below is a list of the groups of people who are officially considered disabled – and who will be prime candidates for euthanasia.You are now automatically classified as disabled (and, therefore, likely to be a suitable candidate for euthanasia) if you have:

  • Cancer.

  • A HIV infection.

  • Multiple sclerosis.

  • Any visual impairment (even sight impairment or being partially sighted – which would mean that many who simply need spectacles to read or drive might well be officially disabled)

  • Any progressive condition such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

  • Any physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities (the term “long-term” means more than 12 months but long-term may also mean fluctuating). It is important to note that children who are physically or mentally impaired may be considered for euthanasia but their parents may not be consulted.

  • Any difficulty in communicating with other people.

  • Any difficulty in filling in forms.

  • Any difficulty in preparing and eating food.

  • Any difficulty in sitting down or standing up.

  • Any difficulty in using a computer.

  • Any difficulty in writing.

  • Any difficulty in getting washed and dressed.

  • Any difficulty in following instructions.

  • Any disfigurement.

  • Long covid. (Even though experts believe there is no specific disease as “long covid” and that the millions who are off work complaining of “long covid” are mostly either skiving or suffering from psychological problems brought about by fear and misinformation. As part of the move towards Net Zero, manipulative brain-washing techniques are being used more and more with illnesses that were once considered mild, natural or not even illnesses at all).

  • Menopause (bizarrely many menopausal women welcomed the prospect of allowing themselves to be described as “disabled” while menopausal women are now legally entitled to insist on working from home, something which may cause problems when the authorities realise that this means that surgeons, nurses, bus drivers, airline staff, shop assistants and professional long-distance runners will all be working from home).

  • Any of the problems now described as examples of neurodiversity (including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia and so on).

  • Mental illness.

All of the people with disorders listed above are possible candidates for euthanasia. It is worth noting that one in nine children is now officially classified as disabled (and that proportion is rising daily).If you want to know more about euthanasia please watch my video (CLICK HERE) or read Jack King’s book ‘They want to kill us’ (CLICK HERE). Dr. King’s book is the world’s No.1 bestselling book on euthanasia.

Please send my video to politicians, journalists, radio talk show hosts or anyone else you can think of who might have an influence. By sharing my video, you really are making a difference to expose the evils behind the euthanasia agenda.Please note that as with the covid fraud, those promoting euthanasia will not debate with either myself or Dr. King. Are they, perhaps, afraid of the truth?

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.


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