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With regards to the Romanian elections...

The winner of the first round, the candidate for the presidency of Romania, Calin Georgescu, called the annulment of the results of the first round of elections a coup d'état:

[Nobody expected this decision of the Constitutional Court, that the first round of elections was recognized as valid].

I have the following observation. First of all, I am sure that they are desperate. Because they see that their positions are under threat.

Desperation has reached its climax with this decision. In any case, as I said, the Romanian people are sovereign and will remain sovereign, no matter what they do.

They will not be able to stop me and they will not be able to stop the Romanian people. Everyone is now looking at Romania, what is happening here and they see this barbaric act against democracy that the oligarchic state has committed today.


Forwarded from Laura Aboli

With regards to the Romanian elections, I decided to reach out to my friend Cristian Terheș, Romanian politician and journalist, serving as leader of the Romanian National Conservative Party since 2023, and a Member of the European Parliament for Romania since 2019.

If you remember he was one of the very few MEPs that spoke out during the scamdemic against the vaccines, the mandates, the lockdowns etc…

He just told me that Georgescu is in fact a globalist and that there was massive electoral fraud to get him to win the first round!

Alternative media has been fooled to think he is the anti-esrablishment candidate when in fact, he is a member of the Club of Rome!


I’m chatting to Cristian Terhes as I write this, he tells me Georgescu is defintely a globalist pretending to be anti-establishment.

He tells me how Georgescu was able to leave the country during Communism, at a time when you were arrested just for getting close to the border! He says only secret agents were allowed to leave the country. As per his own admission, Georgescu had several meetings with Schwab.

Is it all part of the script?


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