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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is calling for a “reeducation” program of children, teache

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is calling for a “reeducation” program of children, teachers and parents to combat “conspiracy theories” and “anti-Semitism.” They advise they will be working with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in the US to deliver this targeted reeducation program to children in schools. The ADL is listed as an NGO, however has been proven to have extreme power over both media and politicians, and according to Wikipedia also has influence over the ways in which the Police in the US conduct their jobs. They are notorious for targeting journalists, promoting anti-white sentiment, denying the Armenian genocide, and labelling anyone who criticises any actions by the State of Israel as an “anti-Semite,” admittedly working with authorities to “combat terrorism” of anyone who offers even reasonable criticism of the State.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is calling for a “reeducation” program of children, teache

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