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    YOU ARE A SLAVE, AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT! Your birth certificate is NOT just a document—it’s a BOND WORTH MILLIONS, traded on the stock market as COLLATERAL for national debt! The U.S. government OWNS YOU from birth. WAKE UP and learn how you’ve been sold, exploited, and ENSLAVED! Read this NOW before they bury the truth! YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE: THE ULTIMATE DECEPTION – HOW YOU WERE BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BIRTH THE INVISIBLE CHAINS OF MODERN SLAVERY—WAKE UP! From the second you entered this world, you were ENSLAVED. You didn’t consent. You weren’t given a choice. You were BOUND to a system so corrupt, so insidious, that it has turned YOUR VERY EXISTENCE into a commodity. Your birth certificate is NOT just a record—it is a declaration of OWNERSHIP. You are not a free individual under the law; you are a FINANCIAL ASSET, a HUMAN RESOURCE, a piece of PROPERTY in an economic machine designed to EXPLOIT YOU. BIRTH CERTIFICATE = COMMODITY Ever wonder why you NEED a birth certificate? It’s NOT for identity. It’s for CONTROL. When a ship arrives at port, a manifest is issued to document the cargo. And when YOU were born, YOU WERE TREATED AS CARGO. A birth certificate was issued—NOT as a token of joy, but as a CONTRACT OF OWNERSHIP. Those red serial numbers? STOCK EXCHANGE NUMBERS. You are a CORPORATE ENTITY, a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT traded on Wall Street. YOUR VERY EXISTENCE HAS BEEN MONETIZED! BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND: IT’S WORTH BILLIONS AND YOU’RE A SLAVE Do you know your birth certificate was made into a bond worth BILLIONS?! When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933, it pledged EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN as collateral against the national debt. President Roosevelt’s executive orders CONFISCATED ALL GOLD, erasing your ability to pay debts. Instead, they created a system called EXEMPTION—where YOU became the collateral! Your worth is calculated at birth. Bonds are created in your name, hypothecated, and traded endlessly. These bonds are now worth BILLIONS. And YOU see NONE of it! CERTIFICATE = OWNERSHIP: THE LEGAL DECEPTION A stock certificate signifies ownership of shares. A land certificate signifies ownership of land. And your birth certificate signifies OWNERSHIP OF YOU. Governments don’t see citizens as individuals with rights. They see ASSETS—to be TAXED, TRACKED, and CONTROLLED. Every birth certificate represents a financial instrument used to collateralize debt. THIS is the foundation of the economic prison that ENSLAVES YOU! FINAL WARNING: WAKE UP OR REMAIN A SLAVE THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT A PIECE OF PAPER. This is about YOUR LIFE, YOUR FREEDOM, AND YOUR FUTURE. The birth certificate system is THE BIGGEST SCAM IN HUMAN HISTORY. It has turned every living being into a DEBT SLAVE. You were BORN FREE. But you were BRANDED AND SOLD before you could even speak. The choice is YOURS: Remain a COMMODITY in their system? Or TAKE BACK YOUR POWER and RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY? THE TIME TO FIGHT BACK IS NOW!


    Portals are open through sound frequencies...  When 2 chords resonate in octaves.. they create a Phantom beat or a resonant energy that can open portals... This is how the pyramids would function, they dispersed a frequency into the ionic sphere [using Monoatomic Gold as a superconductor as a smart dust to transfer the information at the speed of light].. The Great Pyramid of Giza emits the frequency of  432hz... ... Other pyramids have different frequencies and they set on lay lines. If they started to resonate, it would also activate our chakras...our crystalline body would be activated... Because the pyramid s are aligned to the constellations, we would sing in Harmony, with the Uni-verse..

  • Religious cattle. Paradigm War! Watch out for those horns!

  • Dresden: A Burnt Offering

    78 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed...

  • A warning for the UK: Disabled Canadian veterans are offered euthanasia instead of treatment Kelsi Sheren, a Canadian Armed Forces veteran who was injured in Afghanistan, is urging UK citizens to speak up against euthanasia legalisation, citing cases of disabled veterans being encouraged to commit assisted suicide. Disabled Canadian veteran warns UK citizens against legalising assisted suicide By Jonathon van Maren as published by Life Site News Kelsi Sheren is a Canadian Armed Forces veteran who served as an artillery gunner. “I served in the Canadian Armed Forces as an Artillery Gunner in Afghanistan,” she wrote recently. “During my deployment, I was sent outside the wire to work alongside the British military in OP TORA ARWA. That mission changed my life. I was injured and medically released in 2011 with PTSD, hearing loss and a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Today, I live as a 100% disabled combat veteran.”  It was that experience that turned Sheren into an activist; she  told True North last year  that hearing about Canadian veterans like herself being offered euthanasia instead of the life-affirming treatment they desperately needed propelled her to speak out. “My issue with (euthanasia) is how we are killing people and how we have a predatory behaviour of telling individuals that they can’t heal, they can’t get better and the solution to their problems is death,” she  said .   At least six veterans in Canada have been offered euthanasia by the Veterans Affairs Department after requesting help. One, five-time world Paralympic champion Christine Gauthier, asked for care and received a letter  stating : “If it’s too difficult for you to continue living, Madam, we can offer you medical assistance in dying.” One veteran called a crisis hotline – and was offered assisted suicide as a solution.   Sheren and others have been warning lawmakers in the UK that the same scenarios will play out there if assisted suicide, which has passed a second reading in the UK Parliament, is made law. According to a bombshell report by Sheren, one such scenario has already occurred – despite the fact that assisted suicide is still completely illegal in the United Kingdom. “A 25-year-old UK veteran was in crisis and asked for help,” she  wrote on her Substack . “A UK doctor suggested assisted suicide illegally. The police have been contacted. Will they act?”  A UK veteran reached out to her on 12 February writing: “On 4 February 2025, after being offered therapy, counselling and medication by my GP at Queensway Medical Centre, I had another breakdown at the start of February and was taken to Kettering A&E Hospital. I was seen by a Dr. A, who discussed other treatments to assist me. After I told him nothing seemed to be working, he mentioned MAiD as a suggestion. I was shocked. I immediately asked to be discharged. After they released me, I stormed out of the hospital and took a cab home.”  “This is not healthcare,” Sheren wrote. “This is not compassion. This is modern-day eugenics. This one hits close to home … This man served his country. He did the bravest thing possible – he asked for help. Instead, a doctor offered him death. This is illegal. This is a violation of medical ethics. I have spoken with this veteran and he is devastated. The Northamptonshire police have been contacted, but whether they are willing to act remains to be seen.”  Sheren emphasised that this is precisely what she and others have been warning about. “Now it’s happening in the UK – before a single bill has passed,” she said. “We were told this would never happen. We were told there would be safeguards. We were told this was about compassion. They lied.” She urged  all UK citizens to speak up now  – before it is too late:  Kim Leadbeater and other UK officials have claimed MAiD would never be misused. Yet here we are – before any law has passed – and doctors are already pushing euthanasia on those they should be helping. This is not a slippery slope. The slope is gone. Make no mistake: If this is happening now, before the law has changed, what will happen once assisted dying becomes legal? If you’re reading this, you are now a witness … Email your MP. Contact the media. Make noise. If we do nothing, more vulnerable people will be targeted. Veterans, this is Personal. If this can happen to one of us, it can happen to any of us. We must speak up before it’s too late.  The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (“SPUC”)  has provided easy-to-use online tools for UK citizens to reach out to their individual MPs and urges people to visit their MPs in their offices, as well. The assisted suicide bill has not yet passed a third reading and is not yet law. Stories like this can still make all the difference.

  • AI Bot 'Louise Cypher' Revealed in 2015 that AI would Begin Takeover and Destroy Humanity in 2025

    You may ask what Elon Musk has been tasked with under the auspice of Trump, the Useful Goy? A very interesting discussion.

  • Pharisees and asteroids. What stupid dickheads...

  • Autistic, Alzheimer's & Multiple Sclerosis Brain Tissues Have Significant Amounts of Aluminium In Them

    A study published in the journal Nature compared the aluminum content in human brain tissue of people with Alzheimer’s disease, familial Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis with healthy controls. According to the authors, “detailed statistical analyses showed that aluminum was significantly increased in each of these disease groups compared to control tissues.” They go on to mention that: "We have confirmed previous conclusions that the aluminum content of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease, autism spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis is significantly elevated. Further research is required to understand the role played by high levels of aluminum in the aetiology of human neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disease." The researchers used tissue from twenty control brains of healthy individuals to compare against the brain tissue of people who have had a diagnosis of the neurodegenerative conditions mentioned. The fact that all disease groups had significantly higher brain aluminum content than the control group is quite concerning.

  • SHOCKING: Starlink has launched over 7K satellites in the past 6 years…and counting.

    While many were “trusting the plan” and waiting on Trump to save the world, the global elite were quietly rolling out the BEAST SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE GRID over the last 4 years.

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