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UN Secretary-General is unfit to be lecturing the world about hate speech and disinformation

The United Nations (“UN”) is developing a Code of Conduct for information integrity on digital platforms in preparation for the Summit of the Future in 2024. And, since February, Secretary-General António Guterres has been pushing this particular agenda at every given opportunity.

Is António Guterres, who through his Portuguese political allies is implicated in the Casa Pia Scandal, even fit to suggest a “code of conduct” that would be imposed on the world?

Guterres first mentioned the “UN Code of Conduct” in February when he said to the UN General Assembly:

“As part of my report on Our Common Agenda, we are convening all stakeholders around a code of conduct for information integrity on digital platforms. We will also further strengthen our focus on how mis- and disinformation are impacting progress on global issues – including the climate crisis.”

UN Sec. General António Guterres Addresses U.N. General Assembly, 6 February 2023 (41 mins)

In June, the UN published its ‘Policy Brief 8 Information Integrity on Digital Platforms’ and tweeted an appalling piece of propaganda to publicise it:

To get more of a feel for the UN’s appalling use of propaganda, using headings such as “deceitful, dangerous and deadly,” you can read an article published by the UN in June to promote its “information integrity” agenda HERE.

The introduction of the policy brief states:

[Digital platforms] have enabled the rapid spread of lies and hate, causing real harm on a global scale … The danger cannot be overstated. Social media enabled hate speech and disinformation can lead to violence and death. The ability to disseminate large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts poses an existential risk to humanity and endangers democratic institutions and fundamental human rights.

We wouldn’t disagree that digital platforms have enabled the spread of lies or hate speech, or that large-scale disinformation to undermine scientifically established facts can pose an existential risk to humanity. It’s who determines what are lies, hate speech and disinformation that is the issue.

For example, there is overwhelming evidence of the dangers of mRNA injections such as the so-called covid vaccines. Disinformation that the injections are “safe and effective” has been widely disseminated and has caused real harm on a global scale. The false “safe and effective” narrative has not only endangered lives but has also endangered livelihoods, freedoms and human rights. Those who have made efforts to expose this and other falsehoods of the propaganda machine have been subjected to censorship, lies and hate speech, not only on digital platforms and in corporate media but also in real life.

Conversely, the UN defines hate speech and disinformation not in terms of truth and facts but as information which is a threat to their Agenda 2030 goals:

Across the world, the United Nations is monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. It has become clear that business as usual is not an option.

Below is some of the deliberately inflammatory language and imagery the UN has used in its ‘Information Integrity on Digital Platforms’ policy brief. The UN is inverting reality. These images are, in fact, applicable to the lies and propaganda over the last few years that have been used to commit and then cover up crimes against humanity, as well as remove our rights and freedoms. Lies and propaganda that have been disseminated by corporate media, governments and non-government organisations such as the World Health Organisation, UN and World Economic Forum.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who deems himself worthy of deciding what constitutes disinformation and lies, is no stranger to controversy and cover ups himself. To understand the enormity of the scandal Guterres has been implicated in, we first need to refresh our memory as to his background.

UN Secretary-General’s Background

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres is an engineer, politician and Portuguese diplomat who, since 2017, has served as the ninth UN Secretary-General.

Guterres was Prime Minister of Portugal between 1995 and 2002 and Secretary General of the Socialist Party between 1992 and 2002.

Guterres joined the Portuguese Socialist Party in 1973. The following year, just after the Carnation Revolution, he was appointed chief of staff for State Secretary for Industry and Energy José Torres Campos.

In 1976, when the Socialist Party under the leadership of Mário Soares won the legislative elections, Guterres began to serve as chairman of the parliamentary committees of Economy and Finance (1977-1979) and of Territory Administration, Local Government and Environment (1985-1988). He also chaired the Demography, Migration and Refugee Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1981-1983).

In 1992, he was elected secretary general of the Socialist Party, taking over the party leadership from Jorge Sampaio, and was Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. During this time, Guterres was also president of the Socialist International Organisation (1995-2000).

Following the significant defeat of the Socialist Party in the December 2001 municipal elections, Guterres decided to resign and Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues took over the leadership of the Party.

In 2002, Guterres took on the role of consultant to the Board of Directors of General Deposit Box, the largest financial institution and bank in Portugal which is owned by the government.

Three years later, in 2005, he was appointed to the position of UN High Commissioner for Refugees. He remained in that position until 2015. A year after leaving the post of UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Guterres was chosen by the United Nations Security Council, in an informal and closed-door vote, as the ideal candidate for UN Secretary-General.

In 1990 and 2005, Guterres attended the Bilderberg meetings held in New York and Germany respectively. Since 2007, he has attended at least nine of the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland.

Guterres’ Deputy Named in the Casa Pia Scandal

The ‘Casa Pia process’ or Casa Pia Scandal is a scandal involving the abuse of a number of children at the Casa Pia de Lisboa, an institution that champions the rights and protection of children and young people.

Casa Pia de Lisboa is an orphanage managed by the Portuguese State for the education and support of poor children and orphans. The Scandal involved the abuse of several children at Casa Pia organised by people involved with the running and management of the institution.

It was billed as Portugal’s trial of the century and one that horrified the nation. Several names of prominent personalities have been cited among the adults involved in this vast network of child sex offenders. A few were prosecuted, while others were too powerful, benefiting from a rigorous application of statute of limitations. The personalities involved were all known for their left-wing opinions, including several from the Socialist Party of Mário Soares.

The case was made public on 23 September 2002 – the same year Guterres resigned as Socialist Party leader – when a former student of Casa Pia, in an interview with journalist Felícia Cabrita, claimed to have suffered from sexual abuse, as a young man.

Although some reports of abuse date back to before the Carnation Revolution in April 1974, it was not until 1981 that the Judicial Police accused a Casa Pia employee of raping dozens of children over a period of 30 years, and to provide children to several men of Portuguese and foreign nationality, including some prominent personalities from Portugal.

The majority of people responsible for these abuses were public figures and a former employee of the Casa Pia, Carlos Silvino, better known as Bibi. According to the prosecution, he chose his victims “among especially vulnerable children, lacking affection and without male parental references.” Former students spoke of other paedophile orgies which allegedly took place in a quiet villa in Alentejo where Bibi took them and where sixty people participated.

It was later revealed that Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio’s predecessor, General António Ramalho Eanes, was aware of accusations of a prostitution ring 20 years earlier, but complaints to police at the time seem to have given no follow-up or to have disappeared. Wikispooks notes that the authorities had known the following for a long time:

* In 1975, already denounced by teachers at Casa Pia for “paedophile practices,” Bibi was questioned by the police before being released;

* In 1982, the Secretary of State for the Family, Teresa Costa Macedo, raised the alarm, providing in a report evidence of acts of child abuse within Casa Pia, but her report was closed without follow-up. Today she accuses António Ramalho Eanes (President of the Republic between 1976 and 1986) of having turned a blind eye. The judicial police recently recognised that these documents were destroyed in 1993;

* In 1989, the same Bibi was expelled from Casa Pia for “paedophile practices,” but was reinstated two years later by a court decision.

* In any case, many prominent personalities never need worry, because, as the statute of limitations dictates, the judges only focus on acts committed since 1995.

Judicial Police estimates that more than 100 children, of the 4,600 students enrolled at Casa Pia at that time, may have been sexually abused.

On 29 December 2003, Attorney General José Souto Moura, formally accused several personalities of sexually abusing minors:

* Carlos Silvino, employee of Casa Pia and former student of the institution.

* Herman José and Carlos Cruz, two Portuguese television stars.

* Underwater archaeologist Francisco Alves and former doctor at Casa Pia, Ferreira Diniz (Francisco Alves was only tried separately for illegal possession of a weapon).

* The former Minister of Social Security of António Guterres’ government and at the time deputy of the Socialist Party, Paulo Pedroso.

* Ambassador to UNESCO Jorge Ritto.

In 2004, the Guardian reported on the Scandal but focused on Socialist Party deputy Paulo Pedroso and made no mention of Guterres who by that time was a consultant at Portugal’s state-run bank. Pedroso, was one of those arrested, though he was later freed without charges after spending four and a half months on remand.

The Independent noted that “Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the [socialist] party leader, who is not accused of involvement, testified in court [in June 2003], and Antonio Guterres, who is also not under suspicion, visited [Pedroso] in jail to show support.”

According to German media outlet Recentr, like other influential Portuguese, Guterres was a suspect in the Cas Pia Scandal. Around 1,000 witnesses and experts were heard in the almost six years of the trial. The former Prime Minister António Guterres, the former Minister of Labour Paulo Pedroso, and the former Portuguese Ambassador to UNESCO Jorge Ritto were among the accused.

In May 2003 – seven months after the Casa Pia Scandal was first made public and seven months before formal accusations were made – then Prime Minister José Manuel Barroso, together with former Prime Minister Francisco Balsemao and Socialist Party leader Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, attended the Bilderberg meeting in Versaille, France.

Francisco Balsemao is no stranger to the Bilderberg Group. He is a member of the Group’s Steering Committee and has participated in more than 30 Bilderberg Conferences since 1981.

On 3 September 2010, six men and one woman were found guilty of crimes including sexually abusing minors and adolescents, raping children and running a paedophile ring at the Casa Pia state-run children’s home in Lisbon during the 1990s. Ritto was one of them and was given six years, eight months in jail.

Pedroso, who had been accused by several witnesses but was ultimately not convicted, demanded EUR 600,000 compensation from the state for the damage to his political career. Bilderberger Barroso was nominated and confirmed for the post of EU Commission President in 2004, a post he held for 10 years. Pedroso’s close personal friend Bilderberger Rodrigues who was also burdened by witnesses, according to the newspaper Expresso, later became an envoy to the OECD, a post he held from 2005 to 2011. And … Bilderberger Guterres went on to become UN Secretary-General.


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