Exposing the Global Coup: Part 4 of the 'COVID Unmasked' documentary sheds light on the interests and agendas driving the pandemic. Learn how the COVID pandemic was part of a profit-driven scheme and how to stop it.
'COVID Unmasked' — How to Take Back Our Nation
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has released a four-part documentary, “COVID Unmasked,” which details how the COVID pandemic was used as a convenient opening act for a global takeover
Part 4 details how we can peacefully take our country back by ensuring our county sheriffs are willing to do their duty, which is to uphold and protect the constitutional rights of their residents
Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it”
No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated
No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) recently released a four-part documentary called "COVID Unmasked." Part 4 is featured above. The trailer and previous three episodes can be found on CHD.TV.
Parts 1 details the problem. The medical system is destroying health; lawyers destroy justice; psychiatrists destroy minds; scientists destroy truth; major media destroy information; religions destroy spirituality; and governments destroy freedom.
Part 2 reveals how the COVID pandemic — which was sold to us as a fight against a novel and deadly zoonotic virus that had jumped species at a Chinese wet market — was merely the first part of a pandemic for-profit business model, where mass vaccination is a tool to gain more control, more power and, of course, more money.
In Part 3, the big picture is revealed, showing how the COVID pandemic was a convenient opening act of a "Great Reset," at the end of which regular people will "own nothing and be happy."
The interests behind the COVID "plandemic" and the global coup are documented, how long this plan has been in the works and, in Part 4, above, how we can stop it, before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.
Understanding Our Constitutional Rights
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to privacy, the right to be left alone and to make our own decisions. Like other amendments in the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t create the right to privacy; it secures it, thereby limiting government interference with it.
The Bill of Rights precede the existence of the U.S government, and are based on basic principles inherent in humanity itself, i.e., "Natural Law." The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and cannot be superseded or nullified by any other law. As stated in Article IV:
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law "imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it." That’s a quote from an 1886 Supreme Court case (Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 4251).
Quoting further from that decision, "No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it." Yet, during the COVID pandemic, unconstitutional rules and mandates were not only issued but in most cases also upheld. Without a trace of shame, government officials even called for barring the unvaccinated from society at large.
Constitution Cannot Be Suspended Under Any Circumstance
These actions were justified on the basis that we were in "an emergency" that required some basic rights to be temporarily suspended. However, no matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated.
In a 2020 fact check,2 Reuters tried to debunk the claim that constitutional rights cannot be suspended by citing the 1988 Stafford Act, which grants the president the authority to declare a major disaster and empowers the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate the nation’s response — completely missing the point that no law can supersede the Constitution and is void if in violation with it.
... the Constitution sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency. ~ U.S. District Judge William S. Stickman IV